Tonberry, The Lavender Beds, Ward 30th, Lily Hills Apartment room 20.The Chronicle—an airship that transcends dimensions and is always on the move. It constantly picks up and drops off passengers wherever it goes. Within it exists a grand library, dubbed as the Chronicle Records.The Chronicle Records serve to archive every passing-by wanderer from any and every timeline. Whether you are the greatest hero of Eorzea, the most twisted villain of the Void, a nightclub host or just an ordinary girl who sells flowers. If you have a story, we are eager to listen to it. (Non-RPers are also welcome to share their stories.)

We are seeking collaborative RP events. Contact us via Discord: k.d.aize & takoyuki_ is gladly appreciated!



(Non-RPers are also welcome to share their stories.)
Updates may take place between 1-7 days, we seek your kind understanding and patience. Thank you!

Submissions can be edited again if you wish. You can look for us in game: Aize Kazimira & Koyuki Himekawa or contact us via Discord: k.d.aize & takoyuki_

We are seeking collaborative RP events. Contact us via Discord: k.d.aize & takoyuki_ is gladly appreciated!

The Recorded

Expedition Miqodroid

Aize Kazimira

Magitek Android | Female | Mor Dhona | Factory New
Expeditioner, Watcher | Garlond Ironworks
Lawful Neutral
She has been created by Cid and her past master originated as a backup body for her creator. However, through the journey, her master learns that there is a living soul inside a crystal that powers the android. At the end of the creator's life, she decides not to take the android body for herself and sleeps eternally.
The android has been named after her creator since then and lives to continue her creator's objective: Exploring, Reserving, and Protecting the Civilization of The Source. However, she is just the watcher, the small conflict that wouldn't affect the existence of the entire planet or her own company won't be interrupted.Aize is the Progenitor of the Chronicle Records.

Fragment of Diabolos

I'exolde Stormshatter

Voidsent | Female | The Thirteenth | 1500-Years-Old, Sixth Umbral Era
Butler / Ruler of a Domain | 2nd Rung of Voidal Hierarchy
Lawful Evil
Devoured by Diabolos and Reborn from the fall of the very same void sent, she conquered a part of The Thirteenth as her domain, the domain covered deep in the ice. Once her new form is fully nurtured, she still has an interest in the certain Miqo'te who freed her from Diabolos' being, the Miqo'te name "I'exolde Stormshatter". They both met at the top of a building deep within Amaurot. The Miqo'te welcomed her and that meeting warmly, which was quite a surprise to her. She then asked, "What is that you wish for?" to which she replied, "A meaningful life". To her understanding, the lifespan of her kind is not long as she offered a contract to lend her mastery of ice and darkness to her but in return, she will be traveling with her, and the over usage of the power will consume the lifespan of the user and once she died, that body will be hers. Which the Miqo'te accepted. The void sent then took a form opposite of the Miqo'te with a butler's uniform and traveled alongside her.

Hellbloom's Heir

Kada Katzenberg

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Male | The Hei Mao
Mercenary & Fortuneteller
Chaotic Good
Initial observation produced anomalous results. Files from Ul'dan adventurers contract, Lavender Beds properties and Ishgardian residency corroborated registration of a "Kada Katzenberg". Individual reports indicated the subject to be the successor of "Kadako Nekoyama" - status: DECEASED.
Katzenberg is the proprietor of Hei Mao - a Yanxian Tavern located in the Shroud. Eyewitness accounts describe the location to be a hotbed of aberrant events such as supernatural entities, voidsent-related activities and spikes of yet to be understood Dynamis energy. Allegations of tax evasion are also withstanding but pending investigation.The subject is at times observed with an apparition that matches the description of NekoTian Baixingyama. Inconclusive. The former proprietre ERROR. Corrupted file. See - S̵̙̈́ȩ̷̩̭̇̄͆v̸̎e̴̾n̴̺͂ ̶̮̉͂H̴̼͓͑͂̔ê̷̡̢͝l̵̬̞̞̓̚l̵͓̝̊̈͝ş̷̛͖̔̉ ERROR. Expunge -Y̸a̵n̷x̸i̵a̵n̷ ̷A̴s̶t̴r̴o̵l̵o̸g̷y̸. T̵͎̟̪̒ḫ̶̡̀͒̉͘ẻ̴̛͓͇ ̷̬̞͔͕̐̎̃̋̐W̷͖̹͖̄̈̓͠͝i̴̟͗̃͝͠t̴̯͕͑ç̵͙̲̄͗ḣ̶͈̻͙̄̓͝ ̷̨̛̲̬̯̇̿͑͜o̷̱̠͉̫͘f̴̫̭̊̈͝ ̸̰̤̓͛̕Y̶̢͍̱̕ḁ̴̢̄ň̴͍̘̭̽x̸̠̹̩͛́̑̆͜i̴̮̝̼̻͑̚å̴͕̟̳̎̋̐. J̴̺̉͐͑́̏͘i̴̯̩̙̤̾a̸̩̥͔̞͔͒̓̕͝n̷͚͆̐̎͗͐ḡ̴̻̘̟̻̺̹̑̾͋͠ ̶͎̋͊̆S̷̯̊̂͜h̵̞ ERROR.Rebooting.

Ayer Kahjaa - Wife

The Gumiho

Mina Inverse

Auspice, Viera: Veena | Female | Doma | Second Astral Era
Shopkeeper | The Four Lords
Chaotic Neutral
In the mystical realms of Eorzea, during the bygone era of the 2nd Astral Era, a Gumiho named Mina Inverse entered the world with a destiny woven by fox spirits and the enigmatic threads of fate. From an early age, Mina displayed a unique duality—versed in both the reaper arts, a forbidden blend of life and death magic, and the ancient healing traditions passed down through her lineage.
Her tale took an unexpected turn when, in a game of wits and chance, she found herself facing the legendary Monkey King, Sun Wukong. In a bet that resonated through the heavens, Mina emerged victorious, claiming the 'Ruyi Jingu Bang,' a celestial staff capable of unimaginable transformations. The Monkey King, true to his word, relinquished the weapon to the Gumiho, setting the stage for Mina's reputation to soar across Eorzea.With the Ruyi Jingu Bang in her possession, Mina's mastery over the reaper arts and the staff's transformative powers became legendary. The staff, gifted with a mind of its own, responded to Mina's will, adapting to her every need in battle. She became a spectral dancer, weaving between life and death with elegance, her celestial staff leaving a trail of ethereal energy in its wake.Yet, Mina's immortality bore a cost. To sustain her ageless beauty and prolong her life, she partook in a centuries-old ritual—consuming the livers of those whose destinies were entwined with hers. This dark secret became the source of whispers and tales, as the Foxy Lady with the legendary staff wandered through history, a specter of beauty and death.In the present day, Mina has established her haven, a teahouse known as "Foxy Lady's Den." Nestled within the vibrant streets of Eorzea, the teahouse serves as a sanctuary where patrons seek both refuge and the mysterious allure of the supernatural. Behind the crimson silk drapes and the tantalizing aroma of exotic teas, Mina Inverse orchestrates a delicate dance between the past and the present, wielding the Ruyi Jingu Bang with grace and sipping the elixir of life in the shadows of her enigmatic teahouse.

Blue Fox - Distant Relative

Mysterious Mute

Mordred Decima

Au Ra: Raen | Female | Eorzea
Tavern Bard
True Neutral
A mute woman who wanders from one tavern to another as a Bard, performing music for others to enjoy. She seems somewhat ordinary at a glance, but there is certainly something unusual about this woman and the small wind-up dragon that constantly follows her. Why does she keep referring to it as “Darling”?

Void Warden

Arma Obroin

Hyur (Biomachina Construct) | Female | Ul'dah | Around 1730-Years-Old
Vice Chief Editor of Thaumaturge's Guild | Thaumaturge's Guild
Neutral Good
A dutiful officer of Thaumaturge’s Guild by day, Arma Obroin once fancied herself as a humble scholar of magic and purveyor of arcane arts, moving from one place to another aimlessly as 'Mercenary Sorcerer'. But that day was already behind her, for she now held responsibility for her small family and her new home, posed as Vice Chief Editor and Xenoglossarius Specialist of Thaumaturge's Guild. Despite her unassuming hyuran appearance, one cannot help to think that there’s something more of her than meets the eye.
As just so, her story wasn’t started in the land and time most people had familiar themselves with, but far back into millennia ago, in the once great city known as Mhach. It is there where she was ‘born’, toiled from the forge of arcane artificers to be one amongst many that serve the will of Archmagus Council, protecting the land from the dangers without, and dangers deep within.But many centuries had passed since then, as the titanic flood ended the Great City into mere ruins of its former self, with only forbidden artifacts and harrowing remains to tell the tale. Saved at the nick of time by her Master, who entombed her in a magicked stasis capsule, she awoken into a brave new world she barely recognized.Bearing her new name and newfound freedom that come with it, she walks the world trying to get a grasp on the land forever changed by time.

Nergui Qestir - Employee/Associate

Steppe Witch

Nergui Qestir

Au Ra: Xaela, Voidsent Incubus | Nonbinary | Qestir Iloh, Azim Steppe | born approx.1547 (6th Astral Era) | Sorcerer, Apothecary, Veteran Adventurer, Hierophante of the Morpheic Mystery | IndependentNeutral Good
This mysterious witch left home alone as a young adult by order of the Mothercrystal (Nhaama to the Xaela) and lived a very strict childhood due to his prophesied role as an important savior against an eighth calamity, noting that the seventh would be soon. Born at the end of the Sixth Astral era, he made his way to Eorzea after the fall of Dalamud and joined the Adventurers' and Thaumaturges' Guilds in Ul'Dah. As no stranger to tragedy even early in his life, he was noted for a strangely distant and cold demeanor along with a fearless level-headed approach to any challenge.
A natural in magical arts who was trained in traditions passed down from the Qestir and Mol elders who raised him, Nergui has learned his own methods as well as studied several disciplines known commonly in Aldenard. He has lent his skills to the efforts of the Eorzean Alliance, Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and Garlemald Contingent among others, seeking to do what he felt was right and expected of him as a Prophet of Nhaama/Warrior of Light/Hydaelyn's Chosen.After fulfilling what he was meant to do and losing the voice of the crystal during the nearly final days of the star, he 'retired' from heroics as a full-time adventurer and wand-for-hire and opened a fortune-telling & apothecary shop in Gridania, an inn/brothel in Ishgard, an obscure order of magical and occult researchers and teachers of unique arts known as the Morpheic Mystery.He soon after discovered a secret about his own heritage unknown even to his own family - that his mother was a corpse possessed by a void sent succubus at the time of his birth. He began to explore his void-blooded abilities and ended up further cursing himself with darkness by accident while using this power to aid the Scions in their experiments with travel into the thirteenth reflection, and now lives his life as a demi-incubus who must feed on the aether. Even lesser known still was the occasional appearance of his 'shadow clone' - an alter that was conceived by Nergui's traumatic emotions and split consciousness at some point during his adventures and has always been by his side or in his mind. It seems to have a similar moral disposition to Nergui, though a different personality, and recently started to call itself by a different name: 'Khuyagt', a name meaning 'armor' in Xaelic.

Arma Obroin - Employee/Associate
Violet Djt-dvre - Apprentice/Employee

The Unmoving Librarian

Chelly Arks

Au Ra: Raen | Female | Shirogane | 27-Years-Old(?)
Librarian | Independent
Neutral Good
A humble and dignified librarian haunted by the gaps in her mind, Chelly is a woman of many talents both learned and inexplicably known as she makes her way through her newfound life. Washing up on the shores of Limsa Lominsa with nothing but a mysterious glowing tome that she now uses as her weapon, Chelly is in search of her missing memories, her thirst for knowledge pushing her to amass her own library as if she was following an unseen directive.
While she may not know who she was or what she will become, she will do her best to help all that would ask for it, and she will answer any question whether academic or personal to the best of her ability... if only to repay the kindness that the people around her has given her.

Lone Wolf

Aulbaux Sulie

Viera: Rava | Male | 22-Years-Old
Adventurer | No affiliations, Lone adventurer
Neutral Good
Found motionless and face down in the snow of the Coerthian winter, Aulbaux was smuggled into Ishgard by a sympathetic pair of Elezen merchants, who nursed him back to health and proceeded to raise him as their own child along side their own biological son.
When he was 16, his life completely flipped. His parents were accused of being heretics, and were practically executed in a trial by combat, the whole scene unfolding before the young Viera's eyes, setting off a chain of events which lead him down the path of a Dark Knight, a path he still walks to this day.Years later, Aulbaux is now an adventurer who travels all over the continent of Hydaelyn, living in Gridania with his boyfriend and helping both strangers and friends alike. Despite his seemingly cold demeanor and stoic personality, Aulbaux has a heart of gold underneath, and won't hesitate to help someone in need, jumping into action at a moments notice. On any random day, he's likely to be found outside city walls, doing hunts or commissions from the Adventurers guild.

Cocoa Roda - Boyfriend

The Azure Gale

Ayer Kahjaa

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Female
Neutral Good
Subject Ayer Kahjaa is by all appearances a normal mercenary/adventurer. While skilled and reputable among relevant circles in Thanalan and Dravania, she is otherwise unremarkable. Further investigation into her adventuring background is pending.
Subject is possessed of a gregarious nature which predisposes her to forming close bonds with those around her. However, this observer notes that it has been difficult to glean more on her personal history owing to a conflicting tendency of deflecting such lines of inquiry. Hence, this entry remains incomplete.Conclusion: further observation on this subject may be required.

Kada Katzenberg - Husband

Lavender Lunch Lady

Pinen Arbwenja Muscovado

Lalafell: Dunesfolk | Female | Lavender Beds | 28-Years-Old
Eatery Co-owner | Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Chaotic Good
After helping put an end to The End, Pinen decided to officially settle down with her wife and establish a family (and an eatery) with her! Despite her semi-retirement from being a Warrior of Light, she still goes around occasionally to help other out as a part-time adventurer. But! Is a normal life ever going to be possible for Pinen? Only one way to find out~

Abel Muscovado - Wife
Yeux Baelsar - Brother-in-law
Touve Abienne - Family doctor

Dauntless Vanguard

Metal Knight

Roegadyn: Hellsguard | Male | Forever Wandering | Mid 30s
Adventurer | The Free Companies of Eorzea
Lawful Neutral
In the tradition of Helsguard tribes producing some of the best mercenaries in Eorzea, one amongst them is clad in a full battleplate of Ishgardian origin. Metal Knight be his name and an enormous great flaming sword he doth carry. Bedecked in head to toe with the finest steel Eorzea has to offer.
Yet not many know of the man behind the mask. Wild theories are created about him. Some say he's a living armor whose spellcaster neglected and thus he's cursed to walk the Earth for an eternity. Others claim that he's five Lalafells in color-coded, matching suits piloting a giant armor.One wonders what mysteries lie beneath all the armor. For the time being, he's content with glory-seeking as an adventurer-for-hire or when he feels like he's going to have a good time.

Laila Hawke - Junior

The Snow Fox

Yeux Baelsar

A (nine-tailed) Fox | Male | Gridania | Appears to be in 20s
Chaotic Neutral
Currently taking the appearance of a Miqo'te: Keeper of the Moon to blend in as this was his mother's choice of race back in his home. He came from another World long sundered after choosing to save Hevel before getting transported to the current World. Now, he just goes where he's needed while living his life with his husband.

Gaiux Baelsar - Husband (Our Story)
Pinen Arbwenja-Muscovado - Sis-in-Law

Housing Enthusiast

Kai Merax

Au Ra: Xaela | Female | Sharlayan | Late 20s
Designer/Barista | The Last Stand
Neutral Evil
She was a witness of the Seventh Umbral Calamity- of the culling and death that ensued. She ought to have died during this blight but instead awoke in a paved city with white and turquoise stone nestled between lush greenery and tranquil water.
Prior to the catastrophe, she remembered being a dirt poor mercenary who traveled the land alongside a caring and dependable companion. Admittedly, she wasn't the best at her job but was quite content with the life they had built for themselves.Equipped with the knowledge of her previous life as a struggling adventurer who took on any job as long as it put food on the table, she vowed that she would never know that kind of hunger again and thus gil making became an obsession of sorts. Eventually realizing that she now lived in the Seventh Astral Era, she sat out on the journey of discovering how this transmigration of souls took place. During her travels, she learned of her love of designing homes and a peculiar drink called "Coffee", and opted to focus on honing her skills in these vocations. Nevertheless, the bittersweet memory of the other half of her soul never ceases to haunt her dreams, and she yearns for a way to reunite with them to this day.


Repii Satsumaimo

Viera: Veena | Female | Lady Wayfarer, a warship | Mid 20s
Warrior of Light, Adventurer, and a Daybreaker! | Free Company of Zeitgeist, Daybreakers
Lawful Good
A Viera transported from one world to another, there she stayed—chosen by one of The Twelve to save a world to save millions of others. A Warrior of Light she is, the woman who daybreak into a new morrow. One who holds onto hope, and one who fights for all.
There in this world anew, Grimnus, she had fended off an eldritch with her bare hands; there she fought dragon upon dragon with a gun in hand. A Machina of destruction brought to ruin by her bolt of levin, and fates torn anew.Many deeds has she done, but more yet to save... Thankfully, this library is just the break she needs.

Ava - Pet
A pet that she dearly holds close, this little axolotl eft is as sweet as she is kind, though often times doesn't do anything and stays within the aquarium to swim. Even though it doesn't need to, for some reason?
Rhaaz - Brother
Despite them not being related by blood, they often refer to each other as siblings. Being also very close, and often seen as the youngest within their little group.
Yhaara - Sister
Technically, they didn't officially adopt her, but rather because of this Rava... They just... Took her in as a little sister because she was "Cute" despite the many scoldings of Rhaaz. Even so, they loved each other like sisters.
The Daybreakers - Team and found family
This is a group within Grimnus which are all held in very high regard, all of them being friends and family—not without a few fights of course. She also has a lover within this group, which she probably will not tell.
Foster - Father
None will be said about him, she will also likely not mention him, but he is a man with a mysterious past and is rumored to also be... A bnuuy.

Bon Vivant

Phron'to Audariah

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Male | Ul'dah | Early 30s
Entertainer | Manderville Gold Saucer
Neutral Good
"I may be a fool, but I am no idiot."
A traveling entertainer and executive from the Gold Saucer wandering the land for new business opportunities. This former bowman from the Immortal Flames was tasked by Godbert Manderville to "bring back the world's greatest smile." Taking his employer's rhetorical statement literally, he set off on a quest while seeking opportunities for the Gold Saucer and entertaining the folk he meets on his travels by serenading them with his voice and music.No one really knows where Phron'to came from, but the most consistent story that you would hear from people is that he hails from a poor village in Gridania and found his fortune singing for the Gold Saucer. Gaining fame and riches, he started to indulge in the finer things in life and earned a reputation as an eccentric celebrity in Thanalan.A walking magnet for trouble and circumstance, the pompous oaf might need a helping hand or two... he's not very bright.

Masenuel Rehw-setlas - Former Lover


Zhao Cangying (Ying)

Au Ra: Xaela | Female | Doma Kingdom | 21-Years-Old
Adventurer & Business Owner | Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Doma Kingdom
Lawful Good
Zhao Cang-ying (Cho Souyou in contemporary Doman), also known as Ying, comes from a lineage of pureblooded Xaela Au Ra migrants from the steppes who settled in one of the small settlements scattered all across the mountainous Yanxian territory of Doma Kingdom. Her parents were particularly descended from the now-defunct Avagnar tribe and the sporadic Hotgo tribe.
Motivated by her desire to see the outside world, she began her journey when she turned eighteen with the help of a broker who illegally smuggled her through the Doman colony and then made her first westward voyage to Eorzea. She started off by building her career as your friendly traveling adventurer and ended up taking a pivotal role in rallying her fellow Doman citizens to wage their independence against the Garlean Empire by working together with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and the Doman Liberation Front.Once Doma was finally liberated from the empire's cruel grasp, she began to resume her work in Eorzea in order to gather funds for the Doman restoration project. Nowadays, you might see her going back and forth between Doman enclave and Eorzea to assist Lord Hien in developing her newly restored city capital and managing her newly opened business, a Yanxian-themed eatery.

The Blue Flower of the Battlefield

Alice Tumla

Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun | Female | Ala Mhigo, Ishgard | 24-Years-Old
Knight-Major of the Ishgard Independent Brigade | Ishgadian Military
Lawful Neutral
An orphan along with her brother when they were young escape to Ishgard after the fall of Ala Mhigo, Alice chose to join Ishgard Military but due to Ishgard strict policy of outsiders, she can't join the temple knight. However, she could join the newly formed Volunteer Corps(now Independent Brigade) consisting of non-native Ishgardian proposed by genius yet the desperate idea of House Fortemps to not only fight for Ishgard but also the newly formed Eorzean Alliance at the time.
At the Battle of Carteneau Alice and her Squad were sent in to help Alliance against the Empire, However during the battle Alice was blasted by Magitek Cannon breaking her shield apart and knocking her unconscious, and after she woke up back Ishgard she found out that her squad was completely wiped out leaving her as the only survivor.After recovering she continued serving as the new squad leader and participated in many battles such as Operation Archon, Operation Rhalgr's Beacon, and Battle of Ala Mhigo, and oversaw the surrender of the Xth Legion. After the war, Alice is still in Ishgard at the rank of Knight-Major but people who are close to her know that she still has the PTSD of the Carteneau to this day.

Alex Tumla - Younger Brother

Coeurl of the coliseum

Calia Balor

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Female | Ul'dah, Eulmore | 28-Years-Old
Gladiator, Freelance worker at the Garlond Ironworks | Eulmore Townsguard (Assistant Instructor), Garlond Ironworks, Skysteel Manufactory
Chaotic Good
Born in the Northshroud, immigrated to Ul'dah when still a child and grew up in the Gladiator guild, becoming one of their youngest champions. Through circumstances she became an adventurer and eventually traded her sword for the gun, not wanting to rely on anyone else's skills and powers than her own.

The Aspect of Deceit

Cicily Hartmann

Lunarian | Female | The Moon | 451-Years-Old
Criminal Consultant | Astral Zero
Lawful Evil
Once there was a city, or will be.. where the light of a crystal-powered star would paint the luminescent sky bright. Shining its Beauty across the purple fields that glow all throughout the night. Spires that reach towards the heavens asserting the everlasting glory of those who fabricated them. A city built on the moon of Etheirys during the 60th century. And at its core the wellspring of wisdom ""Astral Phenomena"", a place where all who seek knowledge of modern science and mystic arts reside. A place of such majesty is where this Lunarian hails.
Born from a criminal mother and a scientific father she possesses a great passion for the scientific arts while having all of the temptations of her mother. Recognized for her intellect by her father she was assigned to study at Astral Phenomena, the beating heart of every knowledge one could possibly desire in order for her to stray the path of deceit and theft. With her wits, it didn't take her too long to understand aspects of every science known to Lunarian kind. But all the knowledge she has gained only fed to her ego and fueled her fire for rebellion with each passing day, such as the blood that she inherited from her mother. Feared that one day she might start an incursion a decision was made to banish her in time, to a time so primitive that her knowledge of modern science with be of no use to her. And so it was done, cast out she was thrown eons into the past to what is now current Etheirys. Filled with rage and lost in an unfamiliar place, the Lunarian wanders throughout Eorzea. Having cast out only solidified her taste for the wicked for not long after she had proven herself to have competence of villainy. She has heeded the mistakes of the future and rather than commit acts of villainy herself she has chosen to wear many forms so much so that none truly know her appearance. And using her knowledge of future technologies counsels various groups and otherworldly associations, selling them concepts and advanced weaponries that this era could only ever dream of. She dwells within her abode the "Astral Zero", which was built under the memory of where she once lived. There she serves, There she sits, and There is where she will wait..

Contracts Specialist

Jin Galahad

Hyur: Midlander | Male | Ul'dah | 34-Years-Old
Mercenary | The Syndicate
Lawful Neutral
“Purpose is what drives all of us.”
Words that echo through his mind from time to time. Was it from a lover? A mentor? He forgot.“Purpose” is a concept that is beyond Jin’s comprehension. A walking and talking husk of a man, Jin lived an empty life devoid of any human desire for pursuing things. Is it his upbringing? A mutation? Or is his brain just incapable? He never knew, nor did he bother to understand.Only his contractual obligations drive him forward. Realizing that he is pre-wired to be an empty husk devoid of any purpose, he subjected himself to the most dangerous and wildest contracts of all kinds to have a semblance of direction in his life.It became an obsession. After all, he is nothing without the contracts that drive him. He will go to any length to fulfill his side of the bargain. From assassination, companionship, to representing someone in the international tribunal of Eorzea, Jin is willing to do any task for a price that he deems worthy.Will it be fifty gil or a million? Will it be for a piece of land or one of your limbs? No one within the corridors of the Syndicate knows. All everyone knows is that he will get the job done. Whispers and rumors even say that Zodiark himself once made a deal with him to convert people to worshippers. To this day, he neither affirms nor denies these allegations.“But what happens if the client does not fulfill their obligation?”No one knows. No one dared to ask. All we know is that he still walks and that Zodiark is nowhere to be found."Now if you don’t mind. Your signature here, please."


Huntar Snowpeak

Hrothgar: The Lost | Male | Northern Bozja | Veteran
Expert Pleasure-Inducer, Bozjan Resistance Captain, Helicopter Elder Brother
Now-defunct Queensblades, The Bozjan Resistance, The Lion's Den
Lawful Good
Master, owner, dom daddy, beefy companion, casual fuck, lover, underground moshpit owner, ex-Queensblade-turned-bodyguard and resistance fighter on the road to redemption in reclaiming Bozja— He's all these and more. He's a living paradox— living hard and fast with the quintessential, rugged "Bad Boy", Big Dick Energy; but those privileged to peer beyond The Indomitable walls see a heart of gold.


Ysfr M'nergaea

Au Ra: Raen | Female | Ishgard | 23-Years-Old
Traveling Adventurer Merchant | East Aldenard Trading Company
Neutral Good
Bearing female children in the house of Hayabusa signaled great chaos befalling the elite family. Known for producing strong, male swordhands for the maiden of the deep sea, her birth was a significant disaster for her parents. However, every secret was bound to be exposed and so, she was exiled from the depths. Her parents were stripped of their rank and were bound for execution until they fled to other lands in search of respite and safety, finding it in the arms of the welcoming yet eccentric Malaguld tribe.
She was forced to leave the tribe once more when assassins from her homeland tracked her down.While on the run, she discovered the love for making various cuisines and potions. Always on a chase for the next great recipe, she can be seen mostly gathering knickknacks to cook or expanding her palate library, most of the time to the chagrin of her friends when she asks them to taste test one of her experimental “tonics”.


Keiga Dawnstar

Hrothqo'te | Female | Yak T'el, Yok Tural | 29-Years-Old
Huntress | Clan of the Beast
Chaotic Neutral
Born in the dense jungles of Yak T'el, the elder of two sisters. Half Hrothgar and half Miqo'te, thick fur covers much of her body, taken from her Hrothgar father's side. Leader of the Clan of the Beast, Amazonian huntress and deliverer of Voodoo magics.
Keiga is the leader and spiritual anchor of the clan, she gained the status after narrowly escaping the jaws of several larger, more exotic beasts that roam her jungle. Not all beasts need to be slain, some are only tamed or avoided. Her agile and slender body allows her to keep her pace when on the hunt, whether she is leaping from the treetops or sprinting across the grounds.Being the spiritual leader of the clan, Keiga is afforded the freedom to delve into new and unspoken magic; Voodoo. As of late, her skill in controlling Voodoo has started to grow, allowing the use of small but effective spells to turn or subdue the beasts of Yak T'el and the greater Yok Tural.

The Great Pretender


[REDACTED] | Female | Forever 21 <3
Bounty: 50,899,000 Gil
Chaotic Evil
Arson. Terrorism. Illegal Trade of goods. Not much was recorded of N-Noire prior t-to-to [UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS DETECTED] Firewall protocol deployed. Task failed. Task failed. ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. Retrieving entry 2.3.42. Task failed. [OVERWRITE ATTEMPT.] Success. Control command override in place.
-possesses enhanced strength, agility and reported to be the current owner of [REDACTED]. Control command override in progress. DENIED. ERROR. ACCESS DENIED. ACCESS- ACCESS- ACCESS GRANTED. Welcome back, di-director. [OVERWRITE ATTEMPT FAILED.]Ah. There we go~Looking for little ol' me ~ ? Come then. Chase after me. Go on, hurt yourself as you look for me until the ends of this star. You'll have no one else to blame but yourself. Do what you want, hunt me down and prove your worth.I'll be waiting~

Kada Katzenberg - Lady Kadako's Primal Copy

Old Money Othardian

Ruby Kurosawa

Miqo'te/Hyur | Female | Hingashi | 20s
Weaver, Investor, Retired Dancer | Nisshoku-Gumi
Neutral Good
Ruby Kurosawa is the youngest halfbreed of the Kurosawa Commission. Some may say 'runt of the litter' but her father would say 'heir.' The patriarch, a Hingan Hyur by the name of Gao Kurosawa, has had a prolific career between fisheries, restaurants, and hospitality services that he inherited from his own father.
Trained as a dancer for both performance and combat, Ruby typically makes her keep as a tailor. A clothier from the East is highly valued within the city-states, but Ruby can also be found as a barkeep during dire financial straits. She has enlisted the aid of an Ishgardian Astrology tutor who is happy to offer their tutelage for gil.Ruby's ulterior motive while twirling around Eorzea is to learn more about the tribe from which her mother was taken. When Ruby does return back home to Othard, she may also visit her other 'family' known as the Nisshoku-Gumi. She had reached out to the yakuza clan after multiple strikes to her father's businesses in exchange for her undying loyalty.

Gao Kurosawa - Father
Saki Skyfallen - Paladin

Adversary Air

Alize Rochefort

Au Ra: Xaela | Female | Werlyt | 29-Years-Old
Pilot, Adversary Air Contractor | Independent
Chaotic Neutral
Born into war and strife, the daughter of Xaela emigres, and conscripted into the Garlean War Machine at the earliest possible age, Alize has grown to have a very jaded outlook on life.
Posted to a Gabriel Squadron as a Guard, she deserted the first chance she could, stealing a Gabriel and flying out of her base at night. Crashing, and being found by Resistance patrols, led to her linking up with Resistance Elements.Acting as their only Air Support, and slowly honing her skills with every sortie, she soon became a familiar sight in the Skies over Werlyt.Eventually, she traveled to the Twelveswood, stashing her Gabriel somewhere safe, and taking up odd jobs to fund herself. She made a decent amount of contacts among the Grand Companies, and putting to good use, offering her services as a Mercenary pilot, flying for them in times of war.Eventually, she founded her own company, Tradewinds Air Training, and began offering Adversary Air, Flight Training, and more, in addition to the occasional Mercenary job.

Mercenary, Kensei, Onmyouji

Tien Ustassem

Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun | Male | Shirogane | Middle Age
Mercenary, Exorcist/Onmyouji | Kingdom of Doma, Maelstrom
Chaotic Good
Tien was a child of war, orphaned at a young age during the height of the Garlean Empire's conquest. He spent his youth fleeing from Garlemald, going from camp to camp, caravans to caravans, often picking up skills from other refugees, or sanctuaries he encountered. By the time he reached Eorzea, and joined the Maelstrom in the fight against the Garleans, there is already grey in his hair.
He is talented with the blade, and found the Far Eastern esoteric art of Yin Yang useful in combat against Garleans, their Voidsent summons, and even their Magitek minions. With the former, he puts down mortal foes, and with the latter, he maintains balance in the mystic realms.Now that the war with Garlemald and the End Days over, Tien puts his skills up for offer as a mercenary, though he has been considering if he might be better as a Fixer, than a Merc.

The Rainmaker

Daniel Arturis

Hyur: Midlander | Male | Ul'dah | 29-Years-Old
Private Investigator
Chaotic Good
A bare-knuckle boxer who stepped away after losing his father in a fire, the man swore to catch the guy who committed the crime - which he did end up managing. One arrest and front page story of the The Harbor Herald later, the young man retired from the ring and decided to change fields and help others attain the answers or closure they may need while bringing those with ill intent to be served a healthy heaping of justice.
The good detective now resides in Ul'dah, working on his own school of the dark arts and running his own bar, while working to make Eorzea a better place by taking cases alongside his fiance, Odenta.

Odenta - Fiance
He originally bound to a blade while also yanking her from the lifestream by accident due to an incantation being performed incorrectly, but through three years of trying to fix - she now walks among mortals once more.
Silas Carver - Best friend
The two met when they both fought for a living, forging an unbreakable comradery lasting to this day.

Songbird Wannabe

Xikeke Xike

Lalafell: Plainsfolk | Female | Jaga Kingdom, now Gridania | Around 20
Ex-mandated-voidsent-hunter, Adventurer | Jaga Kingdom, The Order of the Twin Adder
Chaotic Good
"Hailed from a small kingdom in the southern seas called "Jaga".
Born in a family of scholars, yet she works as mandated voidsent hunter at the age of 16 summers as she's not interested in scholarly activity (yet she's keen to trivial knowledge).
But due to a trauma of seeing her coworker get mauled by a voidsent, she resign from her job at small duration of works.
After her resignation, she saw Dalamud falling from the Eorzean skies at faraway from her homeland, suddenly she fell into a coma. While in a coma, she dreamed a giant crystal calling her name, pleading her to go to Eorzea.
She woke up from her 5 years of coma, then she starts her journey to Eorzea. Also with another reason, to be the greatest songbird(idol) in the realm as her childhood dream."

Loan Shark

Paponamo Gagonamo

Lalafell: Dunesfolk | Male | Ul'dah | 25-Years-Old
Brass Blade Officer, Debt Collector | Brass Blades
True Neutral
"Ya owe Papo-G some gil, dawg."
A corrupt Brass Blade officer hailing from the poorest district of Ul'dah, this Dunesfolk Lalafell lived a tough life in the city's monetarist society and clawed his way up from being a filthy street urchin to becoming one of the most infamous debt collectors among Ul'dahn businessmen and prominent figures. Paponamo Gagonamo, or "Papo-G," as he is more known, grew tired of enforcing the law and turned his eyes on his own interests, like getting enough gil to build his own lavish house and "be filthy rich enough until the Traders judge him." Rumor has it he has connections to several criminal gangs in and around Thanalan.Need gil? Just ask him. He'll give it to you at a negotiable amount with interest. Be warned, however, to be prompt with his payments. His previous clients have already had their fair share of broken ankles.

Lost Redeemed Yakuza Patriarch

Kapre Majima

Viera: Rava | Male | Doma / Shirogane | Late 50s
Former Patriarch, Shop Owner | Majima Family, Free Company of Zeitgeist
Lawful Evil
"A Viera who had everything he wanted as a kid. Growing up, he was part of a very influential Yakuza family.
One night, he was abducted by the rival group who defied them. He was tortured for almost 2 weeks until they got rescued by the clan.Because of this, he vows to seek revenge on anyone who stands in his way. He established his own Yazuka family and took the role of patriarch. He orchestrated a series of organized crimes around Hingashi and Doma, gathering as much resources as possible. He was wanted by former king Kaien of Doma, but he failed to capture Kapre numerous times.While on his rampage, the cold-hearted Kapre met a wonderful Veena whom he had a slight change of heart. They fell in love and had a baby Viera, Repii. But because of his nature, he had to disappear as he didn't want Repii to see his nature.While in his power, two rival families betrayed and blindsided him. Leading to limited survivors and a fatal injury to Kapre that led to a coma. The survivors from his family escaped with Kapre, and they watched over him as he recovered naturally, refusing healing from enchanters.20 years later, Kapre woke up and recovered. He tried to reconnect with Repii who is all grown up. With the wealth remaning from his family, he established a mochi shop in Kugane. This caught the attention of Lord Hein as he recognized him because of his father. Instead of defying him, he asked Kapre to join them in the Bozjan Resistance against the IVth alongside Bajsaljen. In exchange, he will support Kapre in his business plans. This is also the day where Kapre will reconnect with Repii. They saw each other and was running for a hug then suddenly the imperial legion attacked, and he dragged Repii to safety while fighting back. The numbers game is too much to handle so him and Hein escaped. Repii assumed that Kapre died in the attack.Years after, they won the war in Bozja. Kapre returned to Shirogane to resume his business and expanded it to other locations. He got an intel from his former family member that Repii is in Ishgard. He travelled far to reconnect with her again."

Akira Mikazuki - Sworn Sister
Long lost part of the family. She now owns a restaurant.
Repii Satsumaimo - Biological Daughter
His long lost daughter who has been away from him when he participated in the war.
Majima Family - Former Organization
His family as a Yazuka patriach before it got dissolved after the Bozja war

The Fox Spirit

Blue Fox

Kitsune | Female | Hingashi (Shishu) | 5th Astral Era
Foxy Adventurer | The Four Lords / Vulpine Auspice
Chaotic Good
Born in the tranquil island of Shishu along with her twin sister. Both Blue and Red fox-spirit were blessed with the power of elements and was lovingly raised with the traditions and values of their island. However due to a destructive flood, the sisters lost everything, orphaned and left adrift in the Ruby Sea. Carried by the unrelentless current, unable to control the elements that had once been their blessings. They found themselves washed ashore in different, unfamiliar places, far removed from the land of their birth.
The pair were discovered by a kind couple who were adventurer offering aid after hearing about the tragedy. They decided to take them into their care and nurtured their unique abilities, teaching them how to harness and control their respective elements.As years passed, Blue and Red grew into skilled adventurers in their own right, using their unique abilities to help those in need. Their vibrant fur, the symbols of their uniqueness and connection to their elements, now represented their inner strength. They continued to honor the memory of their parents and the village that had been lost to the flood through their actions and deeds.The passing years had taken a toll on the couple, they realized the difference in their mortal life span compared to the agelessness of fox-spirits. This understanding led to heartfelt conversations with Blue and Red about the inevitability of their passing. The couples expressed their love and gratitude for the time they had spent with the fox-spirits and the joy of watching them grow into remarkable beings. They knew that their time together was limited, but their love and care had shaped Blue's and Red's lives in profound ways.As the couples eventually passed away from old age, Blue and Red were left with cherished memories of the people who had become their family. They continued their adventures, now with a deep appreciation for the fleeting beauty of mortal life and the enduring legacy of love and kindness that their adoptive parents had left behind.Their journey to discover their true purpose had only just begun.

Mina Inverse - Distant Relative
Red Fox - Twin Sister
Zhaedan Yaemox - 1st Big Sister
Eijun Wolf - 2nd Big Sister
Compression Ansatz - 3rd Big Sister

The Noodle Lady

Valarie Atsume

Viera: Veena | Female | Ul'dah | 83-Years-Old
Restaurant Owner, Full-time Crafter, Podcast Host, Bartender | Neo Noodle Network
Neutral Good
Valarie Atsume, affectionately known as "The Noodle Lady," is a beacon of warmth and culinary mastery in her bustling noodle shop. With a heart as generous as her portions are savoury, Valarie has dedicated herself to the art of noodle crafting and the well-being of her community. Her shop is a haven for those seeking not just a delicious meal but a place where connections are formed and stories are shared over steaming bowls of noodles.
Despite the hustle and bustle of her kitchen, Valarie remains the epitome of approachability, greeting each customer with a genuine smile and a personal touch.Her noodle shop isn't just a place to savor exquisite flavours; it's a hub of camaraderie and a testament to Valarie's unwavering commitment to her roots. The aroma of her creations wafts through the air, inviting all who pass by to step into a world where the joy of a simple bowl of noodles transcends the boundaries of social status.

Lyralei Frozt - Wife

Knight of the Eventide
Bane of the Night

Silver Nightbane

Hyur: Midlander | Male | Gridania, originally originated from Ishgard | 26-Years-Old
Warrior of Light, Mercenary | Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Dark Knight Order
Chaotic Good
A knight errant, formerly a member of one of Ishgard's many anti-dragon contingents, he was left for dead along with his squad due to being sabotaged by a different group led mostly of the Ishgardian nobility. He was saved by a group of adventurers and eventually made his own way in Eorzea as an adventurer. Through various circumstances, he was eventually forced back to Ishgard, conquering his past ghosts and rising up to becoming a true Warrior of Light, learning how to better harness not only the abyssal powers of a Dark Knight, but also in how to draw out all of his accumulated skills and weaponry, as he had seen Venat demonstrate during his duel with her.
Along the way, he had uncovered that there was a sub-sect of the Dark Knight Order that were tasked with hunting down a particular parasitic breed of Voidsent, ones that latch onto their host and persist in The Source, instead of being banished back to the Void. Seeing this as a means of honoring his fallen mentor and father figure, he took up the former's mantle... The Knight of the Eventide.


Alune Naevys

High Elf | Female | The Faewild of a different planet | 103-Years-Old
Warrior of Light, Ex-translator | Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Neutral Good
An Elven lady born into the most powerful house in the Faewild, this version of Alune Naevys was transported to Eorzea along with her partner, Eloise Ulana, after a Planar Shift went catastrophically wrong.
Now she travels with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, hoping to find her way back home while righting wrongs along the way. Though, Hydaelyn's blessing mixed with her own draconic gift does make leaving the Source somewhat bittersweet.

Eloise Ulana - Girlfriend

Heartbroken Creator

Kamar Kamikaze

Hyur, Au Ra | R̵̭̹̈́̅̂͒̔ͅȅ̸̼̍̇d̶͕̮̥͎̘͉̟͉̼̎̅͗̈̚ą̵̠̘̳̙̹̫̈́͆͛̔͘̚ͅç̷͙̫̝͕̂͒̓̚͠ͅt̵̹͔̘͗e̸̛̼̣̊͑̓̌͊͝d̴̰̜̻͇̻̰̑͆̈̃̋̇̊͘͜ͅͅ | New Gridania | 27-Years-Old
Venues Experimental, Dark Arts Creator | Keter Company
Lawful Good
The traveler from the other world escapes from all the chaos that happens there to take some rest and chill in this beautiful Eorzea
Warriors of light who have a passion for creating stuff to entertain other people such as Housing, Venue hosting, and Dark arts stuff, since the old world was filled with Chaos and Conflict something from the old world still worth sharing with this world
Owner of the "KK internet cafe" which bring some Megitek creation to good use to make them look like the one in the other world she has been left
Always change my look overtime up to my mood but one day I may stick with a unique one
Mostly had a hard time communicating with people but always welcomed if someone wanted to try
And why the title "Heart Broken Creator"? maybe you can ask me myself when you have a chance.

Aetherology Reseacher

Nefe'to Jedediah Nheferyn

Miqo'te: Half-Keepers of the Moon, Half-Seekers of the Sun | Male (Pansexual) | Gridania | 25-Years-Old
Somanoutics Scholar | The Studium of Sharlayan
Neutral Good
The second son of the Nheferyn family. When he was a child, he was a sickly, kindhearted, polite, and bookworm child. so, he's interested in healing and medicine. When he was 18, he became a researcher of aetherology, sorcery and medicine and has been traveling to various places in Eorzea, including the Far Eastern Doman for many years so he can speak the Hingan/Doman language as well and use any type of healing spells.
Until he continued to study Somanoutics at the Studium of Sharlayan as a Sage at Old Sharlayan, he joined battlefield sage, when The Final day came. he frequently expresses some of his more innocent youthful traits, such as being nervous about joining others and helping innocent people at the battle. Nonetheless, he proves himself to protect his family and friends.

Nefe'a Noche - Big brother
Nefe'li Lucias - Little brother
Vivienne Nheferyn - Sister

The Promiscuous Heiress

Scarlett Blanc

Au Ra: Xaela | Female | Holy Sees, Ishgard | Early 30s
Warrior of Light, Ex-Courtesan, Wanderer | Scion of The Seventh Dawn, Knights of The Round
Chaotic Neutral
Scarlett Blanc, once the cherished heiress of the House of Blanc, faced a harrowing descent due to her own misbehavior. The halls that once echoed with the laughter of noble gatherings now held the weight of Scarlett's mistakes. Her reckless misdemeanors have caused a rift between families and allies.
Haunted by remorse, Scarlett resolved to reverse the damage. Embracing humility, she immersed herself in the arduous task of redemption. Working tirelessly, Scarlett sought the forgiveness of her peers, families, and allies. She dedicated herself to rebuilding the House of Blanc and toiling for her sins.As the grand estate slowly regained its splendor, Scarlett's transformation from a fallen heiress to a determined architect of redemption became a tale whispered in societal circles. Through perseverance and a genuine desire to atone, Scarlett Blanc breathed new life into the House of Blanc, proving that even the most befallen legacies could find renewal through sincere efforts of redemption.

Le' Noaoco - Husband

Caring Apathetic Raen

Fie Ascart

Au Ra: Raen | Female | Currently Ul'dah | Mid 20s
True Neutral
Having subsisted in a foreign land alone, her whole life was forged with a single purpose: "survival".
Being a subject to her own fate, she is a victim who believes that companionship is too weighty of a curse to bear.
In the wake of her shattered and frigid heart, her life is now tarnished by the warmth and sweet love of kinship.
She has been born anew, with life pulsing from the compassion of her loved ones. She takes a step of faith into a new journey.

The Deserter

Huffer Puffer

Hrothgar: Helions | Male | Southern Ilsabard | 28-Years-Old
Mercrnary, HrothGang Host, Freelancer
Lawful Good
A single-eyed Hrothgar breed who had lost everything he had, ran away from the battlefield that he should bury his body at. He was naught but a guilty deserter living without a reason.
Wandering, he saw the threat and poor of his kin, which make him decided to become a protector, like his dear brother once was, as his atonement until his death. Finding his sole reason for living, mastering the art of war and magick, he saved many people, but this is just the start. He will continue until his body is at his limit. He is not going to end his journey anytime, protecting those in need, while searching for happiness for his own."I will do anything to protect the needs, no matter what it takes, no matter how damaged I will become."

Rodan Mildasch - Lover


Rodan Mildasch

Hrothgar: The Lost | Male | Old Sharlayan | Late 20s
Adventurer | Scion of Seventh Dawn, Studium of Sharlayan
Chaotic Good
An ex-trainee of reaper arts at Lapis Manalis now resides in Eorzea. After he learns, while defeating primals with The Scions he can absorb their essence and harness the power for him to control, he joins the Arcanist Guild and becomes a summoner to help save the realm.
Now his focus is developing more advanced summoning magic by inscribing the arcane geometries to his body with a Mythril stylus, leaving the ink to settle into almost imperceptible furrows. Therefore he no longer needed the grimoire to summon, only his bare hands, makes him more versatile.How many primal powers is he gonna command? All of them.

Huffer Puffer - Lover

Corvosi Explorer

Syo Leonhart

Hyur: Midlander | Male | Corvosi | Seventh Astral Era's Young Adult
Adventurer | Immortal Flames, Leonhart Bladesman
Lawful Neutral
Born in Corvos, escaped to and raised in Kugane, Syo Leonhart is that one Midlander Hyur has explored multiple places around Etheirys. From Eorzea's Waking Sands to the farthest edge of the universe, he has been a traveller the whole journey using his street smarts to overcome tough challenges ahead.
Outside of travelling, Syo enjoys spending his time unwinding and conversing with fellow adventurers around him. His combat experience makes him very keen to narrate along a certain Minstrel's retelling, so do not be afraid to ask him about such tales for you.Syo has a journal written through his tomestone now and then, although these days he has been a bit too busy to update it.

The Fractured

Adalinda Randoindv

Viera: Veena | Female | Old Sharlayan | 262-Years-Old
Gleaner | Scion of the Seventh Dawn (she doesn't advertise it), Gleaner's Guild, Maelstrom
Neutral Good
Adalinda, or Ada, is a senior gleaner and teacher of Old Sharlayan. Her duty to deliver essential research materials to the Sharlayan students take her all over the Source. She is often tasked with the most difficult of requests, given her seniority, and relies on an extensive network of suppliers and warriors to source what she requires.
She juggles these responsibilities alongside that of a teacher for gleaners-to-be, imparting them with snippets of knowledge and wisdom that would raise their chances of success and survival. Thus, Ada commands great respect from the gleaner ranks, having taught many of them across the decades... not that she'd admit it.

Venix Agneya - Wife

Adventurer for Hire

Caryden Allemann

Hyur: Midlander | Male | Summerford, Middle La Noscea | 28-Years-Old
Adventurer | Adventurers' Guild
Neutral Good
A tall Hyur Midlander of broader stock and frame, with sun-kissed skin and ruddy hair. His locks drape heavy yet loose about his head, framing his face while neatly braided low at the back—much like a long tail.
His stance and gait suggest a quiet confidence, matched by functional apparel intended to convey humility rather than garishness. Keen observers may also catch the slightest hints of a swagger in his steps—reminiscent of a mariner's 'sea legs'.Most times, folk of different walks and stripes may note that the man wears an easy, ever-present smile. The expression sits naturally enough upon his features, giving him a perpetually jovial expression and an air of someone who is easy to approach.On certain occasions, he can be found clad in armor that experienced eyes may identify roughly as Coerthan platemail. The scuffed, battle-worn steel bears at least one instance of the bright and conspicuous sigil of the Adventurers' Guild, revealing clearly his commitments and profession.The equipment he bears more often follows a largely similar aesthetic, and could easily be identified by craftsmen and artisans alike. Most particular of these is the sword sheathed upon his back—with proportions seemingly a smidge too large for a Hyur—beside a quiver of arrows, and a war-bow of rather specific construction.His silvery voice comes through in a rather sing-song fashion, not unlike the sailors of Vylbrand's westward coasts. The friendly timbre of his words and a warm, easy-going smile both mark him with an amiable, trustworthy presence—an essential trait for a helpful adventurer.

Light Everlasting

Yumi Mitai

Au Ra: Raen (Scaleless) | Female | Shirogane | 25-Years-Old
Community Event Organiser, Supporter | Hope's Legacy
Chaotic Neutral
Yumi Mitai grew up within the intricate web of her family's mafia dealings, a world steeped in secrecy and power. However, unlike the usual narrative, Yumi found herself drawn not to the shadows but to the radiant kindness of her mother, who covertly helped those in need within their community. Witnessing her mother's clandestine acts of compassion amidst the darker backdrop of their family's influence planted a seed within Yumi—a longing to harness the family's resources for benevolence rather than coercion.
Inspired by her mother's quiet yet impactful gestures, Yumi embarked on a personal quest to redefine the Mitai legacy. With a profound sense of empathy and a shrewd understanding of her family's intricate network, she sought ways to redirect their wealth and power toward philanthropy and societal upliftment. Her vision wasn't just an aspiration; it was a testament to the belief that the Mitai name could stand not only for authority but also for altruism and positive change within their community.

Pupil of the Azure Dragon

Chuii Chewy

Lalafell: Plainsfolk | Female | New Gridania | 19-Years-Old
Fledgling Adventurer, Student of Swordsmanship, Waitress, Maid | Yanxia, Order of the Twin Adder (Freelance)
Chaotic Neutral
Orphaned at a young age and passed between foster homes from as early as she could remember, Chuii found her first stable home after an exiled Hingan swordsman took pity on her and brought her under his wing as a pupil. Years of training under him would ultimately prove to be ineffective, however- she would wind up leaving his La Noscean dojo due to her inability to master the Hingan style of swordsmanship, leading to her aimlessly wandering the land in search of a style of martial arts that would prove to be a fit for her.
A chance encounter with one Kada Katzenberg and one long and storied journey to Yanxia later, Chuii is now one of the premier disciples of the Azure Dragon Style of swordsmanship, currently on dispatch to Eorzea at the behest of her Master to develop her skills further.Now a fledgling adventurer by trade, Chuii has chosen to settle in Gridania, taking on various jobs on behalf of the Adventurer's Guild- biding her time and waiting for the day her Master calls her back to Yanxia to complete her training.

Ayer's Noodles- is her Favourite Food
Kada Katzenberg- Employer

Fascinans Vulpes Somnium

Vulpes Nivis

Viera, Half-Auspice (Acquired) | Intersex (Lean to female) | Skatay Range | Around 150-Years-Old
Voidsent Hunter
Neutral Evil
Preferred to be addressed as "him" despite bearing an obvious feminine appearance. A viera born with the name "Galvin" in the small village north of Skatay Range, he was raised under the love of his mother and nannies. He was later declared as Guardian while keeping his intersex nature hidden, eventually falling in love with his master.
However, his happiness was shortly shattered by the appearance of a voidsent who killed his people just to seek him out. Angered by the fact that her prey was tainted, the succubus tortured his master to death, and intentionally sent him to despair. A week later a group of Reapers hunted the voidsent down and saved Galvin from the brink of death. Frustrated by Voidsent's existence, he determined to join the Reapers, in which he succeeded eventually.
A century later, with most of the Reapers passed away from old age or accidents, Galvin changed his name to Vulpes. The reason for his change of name remained unclear, but rumors said that he made a pact with a fox auspice for a certain purpose. Despite his continuous acting as a voidsent hunter, he also opened a tavern in The Mist, although he threw the management to a young Au Ra named Sima Yue.

Sima Yue - Victim of Pranks
Yuki Mizukawa - Bosom Friend (Lost)

Sweet-hearted Hunter

Cocoa Roda

Viera: Veena | Male | Gridania (Formerly Skatay) | 24 Summers
Baker, Adventurer, Serpent Sergeant | Order of the Twin Adder, Adventurer's Guild
Neutral Good
Amongst the records lies an entry labelled “Cocoa / xxxxxx” the second name written in Vieran lettering. Within the document is the history of a life one could justifiably call ‘harsh beyond reason’, describing a gentle and loving individual subjected to numerous incidents in his youth that by rights should have driven him to madness and loathing for mankind, and yet the most recent information reveals that he remains kind and generous, despite the evils committed against him to date.
Described as a naturally sweet and caring young Veena who makes it his business to bring as much joy to the lives of others as he can, though he's convinced that his contribution is negligible, plagued by a constant self doubt and borderline infuriating humility. Due to his upbringing in Skatay he is a fine archer and very quick on his feet, skills which he has put to good use with the Adventurer's Guild and the Twin Adders. The record notes that when put under enough stress he shifts into a mindset one could only describe as ‘The Hunter’; a method of blocking his emotions out which he adapted to survive in the harsh wilds of his homeland without cracking under the emotional pressure. He isn't proud of the fact that he -as a result of this- has it in him to kill if pushed and he does his best to avoid conflict that could bring out this side of him. The record also mentions something about a ‘latent power’ that Cocoa has yet to awaken, but the entries catch up to the current date before revealing what this is referring to.Cocoa lives in Gridania with his boyfriend, in a small home from which he runs a bakery in between his main work with the Twin Adders. He runs this bakery mainly as a hobby, since he loves to bake and so he sells his goods in small batches and with a minimal profit margin, simply to facilitate buying the ingredients to continue his hobby; he'd argue his work is no match for the professionals, but those who have tried his baking for themselves sing his praises and insist that he's as good as any artisan baker out there. On any given day he can likely be found at this address or on patrol around the city and its immediate surroundings, unless a friend's call for assistance or his own wanderlust draws him elsewhere.

Aulbaux Sulie - Boyfriend

Capricious Prodigy

M'rhi Tia

Seeker | Male | Limsa | 15 Summers
Intern/Student at Mealvaan's gate | Mealvaan's gate, golden eye antiquarium
Neutral Good
The presumed heir to the Golden Eye Antiquarium, a luxury boutique based in Thavnair which specializes in finding and dealing rare ancient artifacts and magical tools. Having spent the better part of his short life travelling the lands with his parents, they deemed it necessary to send their precocious child to his mother's native Limsa Lominsa for a proper education while they work on refiling their lost coffers after the Calamity.
It is here at Mealvaan's Gate did the assessors there discover that M'rhi is a near prodigy at Arcanima. Officially, the kid is currently an apprentice, though his attendance rate is something along the lines of "once or twice every two to three moons to hand in homework and research papers". He has an abnormal need to travel constantly, for simply hanging around in the same spot is enough to send him into a frenzy. He is mostly seen in some locations where generally no one would expect to find a young teen - for example, the Rabanastran ruins picking fights with seeq bandits and searching for treasure in the Void Ark for the family business (apparently without his parents' knowledge).Despite his seemingly delinquent and slightly psychopathic personality, M'rhi is a brilliant student, having made such progress in his studies that makes it hard to believe he's only in his fifteenth summer, and is said to have developed a unique form of arcanima for himself. He currently owns the Ironbowl.

Nenini Neni - 'Elder Sister'
Yesugei Iriq - Will kill him for one corn chip
Black Corsage - Will kill him for the other corn chip

The Faerie Dom

Aaron Adler

Half-Viis, Half-Faerie | Male (Gay) | The Aetheraine Den, Empyrium | A Child by Faerie Standards
Libertine Laborer, Dominant Kinkster | The Lion's Den
Chaotic Neutral
Born into the Viis of Rak'tika Greatwood in another world, he was raised by pixies after a series of curious circumstances that never managed to make it in memory.
Trained by the Lady Titania herself in the arts of wordplay and whimsy, her descent to madness and corruption exposed the Viis to darker secrets that would reshape the application of his fae-trained skillsets.Having crossed the Aetherial Sea to follow after a friend, he has become fascinated with the new world he has found himself in, as well as all the fascinating, fanciful handsome men he can bend to his will behind the closed doors of a bedroom.

Ashleigh Nightingale - Friend

The Sterling Shield, Pale Viera

Silas Carver

Viera: Veena | Male | Ul'dah | 31-Years-Old
Bodyguard, Gunsmith, Bartender, Handyman | The Iron Clamp
Chaotic Neutral
A boy torn from his homeland during a raid at a young age, he was traumatized deeply enough to repress all his earlier childhood memories - along with both how he'd escaped and found himself escaping captivity and how he even wound up on the streets of Ul'dah.
A kind, elderly woman would take him in, becoming his guardian and giving him a city name, along with her surname. After a few years, the young man would then grow fascinated with the city he'd now call his home. This would then result in him wanting to work at one of the guilds, which would go disastrously until he found the calling of the gladiators.After a few years of earning his keep from winnings at The Bloodsands, he would find himself in hot water with angry betters and a few criminals one night after a match. Due to the intervention of a bystander, the crowd dispersed at the sound of gunfire. The bystander would then offer her mentorship if he joined her faction - The Iron Clamp.Upon being caught on a stake-out by his then lover at the time, the man would leave for Kugane, not wanting to drag him into the underbelly alongside him. He'd work abroad for the Iron Clamp abroad, building connections with them before reconnecting with that same old flame years later as pen pals.Only a few months later, that old love found himself in the local jail on a visit. Wanting to make things right, Silas used his ties for a selfish cause, freeing the man before fleeing alongside the detective and his blade back home to Ul'dah.

Matilda - Guardian
'Balalaika' - Mentor
Leader of The Iron Cuff with a penchant for banter, took the pale Viera under her wing and taught him the inner workings of subterfuge, fencing goods and gunsmithing.
Daniel Arturis - Best friend
The two met when they both fought for a living, forging an unbreakable comradery lasting to this day. A long time ago, that bond would even be considered romantic.

The Bull

Saki Skyfallen

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Female | Ul'dah | 24-Years-Old
Gladiator, Warrior of Light | Scions of the Seventh Dawn, The Immortal Flames, House Fortemps
True Neutral
Earning her fame through the Coliseum, Saki is a fearsome foe for anyone who is vain enough to challenge her in combat. Her brutal massacre at Ghimlyt coupled with her erratic nature, none of the city states are willing to provoke a ticking time bomb.
Despite her notoriety, Saki is averse to unnecessary conflicts. Outside of battle, she is friendly and sometimes helpful. Saki can be flirty, trying to incite a reaction from whoever has her attention at that moment.

Ruby Kurosawa - Pet

Blade Morrisa, the Son of Maou

Daa Morrisa

Mixed-blood, Daemon | Male | Limsa Lominsa | Late 30s
Son of Maou, Lord of Darkness & Light | The Maelstrom, Eorzean Alliance, The Bozjan Resistance
Neutral Evil
Bold adventurer with a bleak past. The Son of Maou, he was born by his exiled mother, abandoned in the great city of Limsa Lominsa. After reached his late 20s, he was fortunate enough to met Mrs. Tataru and Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Become an retired adventurer after saving the world, he start to make his own small comfy quarters.

Untailed Fox

Karis Papillon

Fox Spirit | Male | Kujata | Shirogane P11W24
Spirit Talker
Lawful Good
Karis is an otherworldly fox spirit who guards a certain shop named Morpho's Rest that somehow managed to get connected with Etheirys. The shop itself acts as a safe haven for lost spirits with unresolved desires or regrets, and it's become Karis' job to help them return to where they belong. However, since he's practically just a lesser spirit that has not even grown a tail yet, he will need some help from other people to help these lost spirits.
Karis could do some foxy magic trick to invite some adventurers into the shop. Most of these adventurers won't remember what happened to them when they get invited this way. Though he will only do this when he's out of options or when he really needs someone else's help to solve the spirits' cases.


Sorgenfrei Naoki

Hrothgar | Male | Ishgard | 43-Years-Old
Games Master, Freelance Dancer | Freelancer
True Neutral
An otherworlder Hrothgar form a world similar in state, but different populace. Hailing from an isolated clan on the border of Rabanastre and Bozja, Sorgenfrei Naoki, formerly known as Aleksandr Amirasch, was brought to this world from a summoning magic gone rogue of his own making unknowingly. The magic has come from his grief from losing his queen, Amira, during the tail end of the initial Bozjan War against the Empire. He is now looking for ways to return to his world or bridge the gap between his original world, to see his brother-in-arms and the last surviving second mate of Amira, Dragan Amirasch, who now takes the moniker Mitigo Iracundia.

The Purple Death

Masenuel Rehw-setlas

Viera: Rava | Male | Ul'dah | Almost 300 summers
Wanted Fugitive | The Alacran
Chaotic Evil
A long time ago, there lived an alchemist with noble intentions. Although he originally hailed from the jungles of Golmore, he found his place among the people of Radz-at-Han as a paragon of alchemy and became one of the satrap's closest advisors. His skill and prowess in alchemy made him a household name, known to all throughout the island for his incredible potions and concoctions that produced healing properties and even miraculous effects.
This changed, however, when the alchemist was suddenly banished from Thavnair, with official records deeming him as "dangerous" and "criminally insane." Thavnair could not contain the threat that the alchemist bore to the world, but it became the world's problem now.Many years have passed since then, and a Hannish traveler recently came back from Eorzea with news of sighting "The Purple Death," the name given to the criminal they banished so long ago.What does this rogue alchemist want, exactly? And why has he joined hands-- sorry, taken over the Alacran in Ul'dah?Be wary, adventurer. If you hear the name "Masenuel," that's him. He's "The Purple Death." Just run before you end up like me.Testimony by Savage Trunk - Former Brass Blade, Hellsguard with the body of a Lalafell

Phron'to Audariah - Former Lover

Longing carnation

Naki Soba

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Female | The Goblet | Mid 20s
Painter | No affiliation
True Neutral
By day, she immerses herself in the vibrant world of artistry, each stroke of her paintbrush a testament to her dedication. As the sun sets, the aroma of simmering broth fills the air. Each evening, she diligently prepares a comforting bowl of soba, in anticipation of her sister's potential visit.
Being orphans and growing up in the streets of ul'dah, working as shoe shiners, all the sisters could afford was plain soba and since then, it has been their comfort food. They would sneak into the guilds at times and observe how the trainees fight. After becoming old enough, they decided to work as traveling mercenaries and over five years, they became capable adventurers. During her journey, Naki discovered a newfound passion for painting inspired by witnessing a masked artist eloquently express themselves through their art.After traveling around Eorzea with her sister, she has decided to settle down in the goblet and open up a painting business within her new atelier home using the gil she made from adventuring.

Argent Wind

Tarkhan Kheree Kha

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Male | Azim Steppe Fringelands | 26-Years-Old
Monster Hunter | The Kheree Tribe
Neutral Good
Found beside his dying mother on the Azim Steppe, Tarkhan was taken and raised as a member of the Kheree, an offshoot of the Kha tribe.
Skilled with a lance, and a deft hunter and tracker, Tarkhan has traveled to Eorzea as an adventurer in search of answers regarding his originThough shy and unassuming, the unique glaive he carries, as well as his odd, astrally-aligned aetheric signature, hints that there is more to him than he lets on.Power and yearning, undulled by the passage of time, rooted in the origins of a people...

The Demon of Koshu

Akari Ibara

Au Ra: Raen | Female | Koshu | 22-Years-Old
Mercenary/Yakuza | Akuryou
Neutral Evil
A disgraced samurai from the land of Koshu. Akari wanders the star in search for a means of vengeance. She will not let anyone stand in her way and will use whatever means necessary to get what she wants, even if it means carving a bloody path to her goals.
Under the protection of the Akuryou, a shadow organization within Kugane, she is not someone to be trifled with lightly. Have care when you are messing with her.

The Sweet-Searching Shapeshifter

Neveah Solen

Shapeshifting Slime (Hyur, Viera, Lalafell, Au’ra, Miqo’te) | Female | Lavender Beds | 18-Years-Old
Crafter & Gatherer | Neo Noodle Shop
“Once a little blue slime flying through space on a comet.”
The brilliant comet where the little slime resided crashed into Eorzea leaving her stranded in the dark and cold. Amidst the chaos, she then learned to adopt a new form to blend in with the first people who reached out to her on the newfound star. Her first form is that of a crystal blue-eyed Hyur that came out of the crash unscathed, surprising the pair who then housed the lost girl out of sympathy.The pair served her a cup of hot tea, alongside sparkly sugar cubes that caught her eye. She carefully pops one into her mouth and the sweet sugary taste envelopes her whole body. She departs in the morning and wanders around the world, after discovering her love for all things sweet and delicious.Starting off in Old Sharlayan where she bumps into her Mama, Valarie Atsume and also where she was given her name, Neveah. When Valarie first asked Neveah about her mother, Neveah got confused and repeated back in question. This is where Neveah claims that Valarie is her mama! After being given her new name, Neveah shifts into a Viera form. After being taken in by Valarie, she learned to better manipulate her shapeshifting abilities as well as taking on more forms after meeting new friends and family members.Once she was old enough, she was allowed to explore the world more freely. Sailing to Limsa Lominsa where she meets her partner, Reluna Cres. Neveah also chose her surname: Solen, named after the sun she would always watch rise, the one that was always there for her in her rapidly changing life.Neveah currently resides in a home in the Lavender Beds and works for Neo Noodle Shop under Val’s tutelage. Mostly found working hard at Neo Noodle Shop, napping in the sunlight or hanging out with her friends and family.

Valarie Atsume - Mama
Reluna Cres - Partner
Valya Dhoro - Older sister
Lyralei Frozt - Dad


Illumi Cloudgleam

Viera : Rava | Male | Coerthas Highlands | Young Bachelor
Heir to the Cloudgleam Estates | Affiliate to the Syndicate - Royalist
Chaotic Neutral
Groomed and raised to be the heir of the Cloudgleam Empire, this Viera set out on an adventure to look for the enigmatic lady who once saved his life.
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he throws money at problems and has not been put in his place. Yet.Barely knows his father; never knew his mother.
Early in his life, he was taught that ruthlessness is the only response to provocation, that mercy is only for the ones who cannot defend themselves.

The Masked Scholar

Azure Church

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Male | Northern La Noscea | Early 20s
Vagrant Healer, Scholar of the Arcane | Upper La Noscean Keepers of the Moon
Lawful Neutral
A lone scholar, Clad in worn white robes, wanders the dark halls of an unknown crypt, hunting for an answer that may not exist. But things were not always as they are now.
A young miqo'te on a journey of self discovery. Given new purpose one night during a fated union with a mysterious Fae. immediately, He dedicated himself to unfold the arcane mysteries surrounding his new companion, Selene.His studies gifted many skills and the traveling took him all over Eorzea. Before long he stood among seasoned adventurers. His arcane knowledge advanced steadily until one morning, Selene dissipated without return, as if hastily unwritten from the very star.Now, Azure can be found roaming the corridors of the Palace of the Dead, searching desperately for even the slimmest chance to bring her back.


Koyuki Himekawa

Mixed (Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun, Hrothgar: The Lost) | Female | Limsa Lominsa | 23-Years-Old
Sorceress, Leader of the Primordials | The Primordials
Chaotic Good
Originally born in Hingashi, but due to unforeseen circumstances, a young Koyuki was relocated to Limsa Lominsa and spent most of her early life there. After being taken in by the Fishermen’s Guild, she was taught and raised under better conditions.
One night, Koyuki gets possessed by Ascian Igeyorhm, who was thought to have fallen at the hands of the Warrior of Light. Igeyorhm later leads Koyuki into following the Warrior of Light to the First, where she absorbs a fragment of Emet-Selch’s and Elidibus’ lingering postbattle aether and starts to cultivate dark and light magicks. During an incident, Igeyorhm sacrifices herself and imparts onto Koyuki her knowledge and legacy. In Igeyorhm’s absence, an ancient eye manifests in Koyuki’s left eye.With her newfound powers, Koyuki sets off on her own journey, eventually meeting and befriending a certain ice-cool Expedition Miqodroid.Koyuki is the Keeper of the Chronicle Records.

Keila Himekawa - Younger Sister
Skeit Furis - Adoptive Younger Brother
W'khana Tarhuh - Rival

The Fastest Hand in the South

Tomyris Azariah

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Female | New Gridania | 21-Years-old
Bounty Hunter | The Highnoon Saloon
Chaotic Good
Born in New Gridania to wealthy parents. Her family estate was burnt to the ground and her parents were murdered after they had trouble with a crime syndicate. Tomyris sought revenge. Traveling to Ishgard and tracking down the man who killed her parents. She was successful in exacting her revenge but was captured and tortured for months. When she finally escaped she fled to Ul'dah, changing her name and leaving behind all remnants of her past life. She now lives in New Gridania and works for the Highnoon Saloon.
Now, she's in charge of the logbooks and finances of the Saloon, along with tracking down anyone who didn't pay their tab. Her speed and precision with her revolver has earned her the title "The Fastest Hand in the South" Though South of what is still unknown.

The Train Lady

Laila Hawke

Hellsguard | Female | 30-Years-Old
Night Express Conductor, Huntress
Chaotic Neutral
"Welcome aboard to XVth Night Express, hope you're enjoying our trip tonight!"
A humble Hellsguard woman who owned a mysterious, vintage-style night express that carrying people to their most desired destinations. She always welcoming each passengers with a friendly smile, homemade refreshments and always up for small talks with anyone. Their safety and comfort till last stops is her most priority, though sometimes... few people often witnessed weird, chaotic things on board in every night trips.Outside as a train conductor, her side job is a huntress, often out to hunting down wild creatures for fortunes, continuing her mother's profession.Despite seems as a sheepish individual and quite talkless, she's actually passionate, bit unruly and bloodthirsty when it comes to combat. Her favorites are good jests, great (triple portions) meal and pretty things.Rumor said her train requires some living sacrifices in order to make it run smoother, but who knows? :)Now, she's in charge of the logbooks and finances of the Saloon, along with tracking down anyone who didn't pay their tab. Her speed and precision with her revolver has earned her the title "The Fastest Hand in the South" Though South of what is still unknown.

Metal Knight - Mentor/Senior

Ethereal Shapeshifter

Syphia Scarletta

Shapeshifter | Female | Kugane | Over 538-Years-Old
Freelance, Mercenary, Assassin, Farmer
Lawful Evil
"Lie and Deception just another day on the job."
Syphia is the entity that takes the form of a Raen(for now) who works at the Summerford farm during the day and is known for being cheery yet airhead farmers with some obsession with Seedkin, known as Mandragora.
At Night time, she takes up the assassination contract to earn more extra Gil. using her shapeshifting ability to get close to the target, tricking them into the trap, assassinating them, and slipping out unnoticed even though she is ruthless on the job. She prefers to avoid unnecessary causality and innocent people as much as possible...Outside her work time, She prefers to wander around, taking various forms that she feels like it, although she can be seen walking around with her tiny seedkin companion.

Imperial Overlord

Skeit Furis

Raen | Male | Garlemald | 23-Years-Old
Emperor | Garlean Empire
Lawful Evil
"It is better for you to surrender, you would most definitely perish doing otherwise."
Adopted into House Baelsar at the age of six, most of Skeit's childhood was spent in the Imperial Capital City, training under the direct tutelage of then Emperor, Gaius zos Baelsar, who quickly noticed his prodigious swordsmanship in the Garlean martial arts.Originally an adventurer in his youth, Skeit eventually ascended the throne following the demise of his father at the hands of rogue Legatus Valens van Varro. Having witnessed the imperfections of his world, Skeit seeks to rid his world of unnecessary conflict by uniting all under his Empire's standard.However, the shockwave produced from the defeat of the Voidsent Zeromus transported Skeit and his Empire into the Source, where his fortress now occupies the original Tower of Babil. Concluding that the new world is just as rotten as his, he is resolved to resume his conquest of his new target: The Source.

Koyuki Himekawa - Adoptive Older Sister
Gaius Baelsar - Father
Jerome Weiss - Rival/Nemesis

Snow Angel

Keila Himekawa

Mixed (Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun, Hrothgar: The Lost) | Female | Ishgard | 20-Years-Old
Divine Protector | Adventurers' Guild
Lawful Good
Born in Hingashi, Keila and her sister were forced to flee to Vylbrand where they were raised by a guild of Fishermen. Unfortunately, that did not resonate well with Keila. Instead, she was enamored by local street performers, and made the move to Ul'Dah to pursue the performing arts, where she also learned martial arts from the various guilds.
During an expedition to the Crystal Tower, Keila was guided by a voice believed to have been Hydaelyn's towards the Ocular, where she subsequently interacted with the Dossal Gate which sends her back to the Unsundered World. There, she encounters the person who would become the heart of the Mothercrystal - Venat - who sensed her own magick upon Keila. Judging her to be a kind soul with pure intentions, Venat tutored Keila in a myriad of Amaurotine teachings as a means to help preserve and push mankind onward.Now armed with the power and knowledge of the Ancients, Keila sets forth to continue what her mentor has done: Explore. Help. Protect.

Koyuki Himekawa - Older Sister
Venat - Mentor

The Starless Heroine

Milim Koseki

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Female | Nowhere | 20s
Story Writer
Chaotic Good
Her grand adventures with her closest friends have already ended. But knowing that the fate she's been unfairly given will never make them happy, she erased herself from their memories. She is incapable of feeling love from others, but maybe because of that, she has a very strong love for most things and people, especially villains. She always tries to empathize with everyone she comes across and secretly helps others. She would usually resort to sacrificing herself to protect or save others, even if they had just met.
She possesses the ability to take away the pain of other people by weaving magical strings that only she can see, but in return, she would harbor that pain. The more pain she harbors, the stronger she fights. So she would usually resort to it to win her battles. Even though she's aware that it causes her body to permanently weaken, she doesn't hesitate to use it.After losing all her dreams, she could no longer see the stars in the night sky. But every day, she would daydream memories of her with her former friends. Destined to meet a tragic ending, she still continues to venture from one place to another alone. Looking for a spot where no one could see her breathe her last.Or so that's what she believes she's doing. In truth, she still hopes to meet someone who could change her tragic fate, like she does with others. For someone to save her too.

Lone Wolf

Kael Sirius

Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun | Male | Ul'dah | 22-Years-Old
True Neutral
Clear of morality while also independent, Kael is a male wolf who got brought into adventures by former allies of his, but the cycle didn't last for long until he decided to stand for himself after misunderstandings from his said allies, which led into being exiled from their company and support, Kael now ventures through the vast world of Eorzea, while not taking any other sides unless it goes to his own benefit, despite the suffering and strife he has gone through and the amount of times his former friends and allies have brought him down on his knees, he finds his own ways to stand up on his own toes, keeping his true goal always in sight.
To get what he always wants no matter the cost, and to protect the weak should the opportunity occurs."

Forest Druid

Deedlit Faire

Lalafell: Dunesfolk (actually a Wildwood Elezen but got cursed) | Female | Gridania Forest | 69-Years-Old
Forest Druid/Healer
Chaotic Neutral
An Elezen woman named Deedlit was taking a stroll around the forest, when she got near the Guardian Tree in Central Shroud, she got struck by a cursed, the last thing she saw before falling unconscious was a portal/rift. When Deedlit woke up, she felt everything is now a little bigger than usual, she looked up and down then realized she is now a Lalafell. Panicked, she ran back to her village deep inside the forest to tell everybody what's happened to her. Nobody knew how to cure the curse, the village chief then advised her to travel the world to look for one. Thus the Elezen now Lalafell departs on her biggest adventure yet.

Shadow under the bridge

Kamui Redhare

Viera: Rava | Male | Golmore Jungle, currently in Ul'dah | More than a century
Mercenary, Barista, Bartender, Duelist | Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Doma, Manderville
Neutral Evil
Veteran from the Garlean Invasion of Othar, Kamui fled Yanxia and came to Eorzea as a Mercenary for hire. Now a barista, a frequent visitor of Wolf's Den, and The Coliseum of Ul'dah
Rumor says that he was kidnapped and raised by a primal, or a voidsent, or just a green, bird-looking monster from another world; other says that he used to be a renowned bandit from Yanxia, who challenges adventurers and warriors to duel for their weapon, who dared kidnap young lord Hien of Doma and should be dead by the blade of Gosetsu.A heartless blade, lusting for blood and battle, a beast wearing a man's skin, so they say."Hah! Tall tales, whence hath thou gather thy rumor from?"Kamui laughs as he removes the cup of coffee from the drip stand, handing it gently to an adventurer who sits at the counter in his cafe."I hail from Yanxia, and I was a soldier. I doth as a good fight, yet that's about it."
He adjusts his red-tinted shades, hiding his gaze that scans the adventurer's axe.
"......I as a good hunt too, we should'st hie hunt together sometimes, what say thou?"
Says Kamui, he smiles in glee from ear to ear, like a child who found a new toy.
p.s. Don't invite him to the golden saucer, he'll manage to lose all his money and yours too

Mudpie certified

Mini Simp

Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun | Female | The Thanalan Fringes | 28-Years-Old
Cowgirl, Rancher, Cowboy Hat Connoisseur | Mudpieism
Chaotic Neutral
Adopted into the homestead Highnoon by the legendary bandit Grandmama. She taught Mini at a young age to always go for what their little heart desires, even if it involves breaking the law.
Mini, excited and now having the opportunity to see what lays beyond their sheltered life at the Ranch eagerly searches for new adventure.

Enara Luin - Loving Wife

The False Abyss

Vesta Abyssfall

Au Ra: Raen | Female | The 13th shardNeutral Good
Remnant of an old forgotten war on the 13th shard. One of the relic bearers, wielder of the 'False Abyss'. Fell into a deep slumber after being fatally wounded in the war, only to be awoken centuries later where she was mysteriously transported to The Source.

Gamblers' Finest

Rogan Starr

Hrothgar: The Lost | Male | Born in Bozja, currently taking residence in Kugane | 21-Years-Old
Blacksmith, Mercenary, Gambler | Kokajiya Member (Kugane Smithing)
Chaotic Neutral
A rather impulse-prone individual, Rogan lives for the prospects of today! With the skill he accumulated over his years in Bozja as a smith, he turned to Kugane to escape after his family had passed away, settling for a nice and easy life, with your occasional beatdown of a monster here and there. He sees purpose in everything, always looking for new opportunities and trying new things, no matter how dangerous they may be. When he's not at his smithy, or out killing monsters, you can often find him throwing his hard-earned money into the casinos.
"I play the hero, so I can get experience for my smithing, so I can get money to gamble more!"

Sunniva Moon - Travel Companion & Partner

Forgotten Conjurer

Archya Xenna

Hyur: Midlander | Female | New Gridania | 28-Years-Old
Conjurer captain, Healer for hire | The Order of The Twin Adder
Neutral Good
"To lend a hand to them is to grace my own path,
A dance of reciprocity, echoes in the aftermath"
A lost child who was found by the refugees of Ala Mhigo and raised in secret as a conjurer within the Conjurer's Guild in The Black Shroud by Kan-E-Senna thus bearing the somewhat resembling last name Xenna. The favoritism shown by Kan-E-Senna and her refugee history didn't go unnoticed by the peers of the guild resulting the eviction of Archya to leave the Conjurer's guild and to cut any connection tied to them. After years of adventuring, she returned, only to discover that everyone had forgotten about her due to the Seventh Umbral Calamity that altered people's memory.Though her pure faith for conjuration hasn't waned, it is now her time to rise back up to become the conjurer who deserves all recognition by any means necessary.

The No.1 Tonberry

Sniper Hobbie

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Sun, Hyur: Midlander, Au Ra: Xaela | Male | Tonberry
The Wanderer
Chaotic Neutral
In the bustling city of Limsa Lominsa, a Tonberry named Sniperhobbie captivated the populace with his singular passion—venue hopping. What truly distinguished him was his mesmerizing attire, a riotous tapestry of colors adorning his diminutive frame. With each hop from one venue to another, his vibrant ensemble became a beacon of joy and intrigue, a living testament to the whimsy within.
Sniperhobbie's hopping escapades evolved beyond mere eccentricity, transforming into a spectacle ardently awaited by crowds throughout Limsa Lominsa. His flamboyant outfit, a whimsical testament to his distinct persona, wove a kaleidoscope of delight at every gathering. The Tonberry's renown surged with every leap, as anecdotes of the hopping marvel in his unforgettable attire traversed far and wide.From bustling marketplaces to grand celebrations, Sniperhobbie etched an indelible mark upon the hearts of the people in Limsa Lominsa. In the rich tapestry of the city's chronicles, he ascended to legendary status—an enduring symbol of the exuberant spirit of venue hopping, forever synonymous with the radiant colors that defined his whimsical character.

Vampire Queen

Kurogane Sanguinari

Au Ra: Xaela (Mutated Vampire) | Female | Hingashi | 32-Years-Old
Vampire Queen, Warrior of Light | Sanguinari clan of Vampires
Lawful Evil
Born on the same night of the Blood Moon when the Blood Devil hunted down the Kurogane clan of Xaela Auri. The Blood Devil took pity for the newborn and gave the it his blood, named her "Kurogane Sanguinari" after her Kurogane Xaela clan and his Sanguinari blood clan. He then took the newborn and raised her like his daughter.
Years later, the now mutated Xaela Au Ra has grown to be vampiric in nature, with blood as her main source of sustenance. It was at this time that Kurogane confronted her adoptive father about the truth of her past.After the confrontation, the Blood Devil vanished, leaving the Sanguinari clan leaderless. During this time, Hydaelyn called out to her and named her as the Warrior of Light. Kurogane was then to venture forth into the rest of Eorzea and save the survivors of the Kurogane clan. With both factions leaderless, Kurogane was crowned as the new leader for the Sanguinari blood clan as the Vampire Queen.With her new title in tow she set out to the rest of the world to find the surviving Kurogane clansmen and to also find her adoptive father the Blood Devil and confront him once more.During her ventures she would come across the members of the the Scion of the Seventh Dawn. At first she watched how they run their business. When the members got stuck at an obstruction and had nowhere else to turn to, Kurogane would be there to help out no matter what. She would kill anything that got in her way, that got in the way of her people. She never killed meaninglessly unlike her adoptive father who had hunted her Kurogane clansmen in the past just for blood. She was different. She would only kill those that were evil. She especially enjoys killing cultistic members who undergo rituals that somehow change their blood which to her tastes like spices in their blood.When she reached Old Sharlayan under the pretense as an advisor for Krile, Kurogane found some time to look for clues as to where her adoptive father might be. There was still nothing. It was unlike the Blood Devil to be so quiet. Normally he would leave behind a trail of mass murder to satiate his thirst for blood but there was nothing. One time she received a report of one such mass murder in Ul'dah, only to then realize that it was her doing when she raided the Lalafellin cultist group in Ul'dah. Those Lalafell cultists had it coming.Amongst her journeys she was fortunate to find a few surviving members of the Kurogane clansmen who have now become adventurers themselves. With the return of their new leader, the Kurogane clansmen were hopeful of the revival of their clan. She promised them that she will find more of the survivors and bring them back home; To a new home.

Kurogane Blackwolf - Alternate Soul
Klee Kurogane - Alternate Soul

Mercenary & Courier

K'tarin Tia

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Sun | Male | The Topmast Wing 2 Room #38, 7th Ward, Mist | 28-Years-Old
Mercenary, Courier, Freelancer | Former Pirate
Chaotic Good
K'tarin worked in the Ceruleum Refineries in Northern Thanalan when he was only a child along with his mother, who ended up dying there. When a great warrior and their allies swept through it one day, he found the chance to escape, but not before the refinery left a permanent mark on K'tarin by blowing up and changing his eyes to blue. Since then, he's moved to Limsa Lominsa and has tried to go on the straight and narrow. Though he did wind up with a bunch of pirates, he soon made enough to square his debts and finally live on his own terms.

Once Broken But Never Beaten

Shin Fair

Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun | Female | Gridania | 25-Years-Old
Adventurer | Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Lawful Good
Shin or Shinnie to her friends, grew up in Old Sharlyan with her scholarly mother and father.
Quickly becoming enraptured with the Allagan art of summoning, she pushed herself a little too hard and an accident happened sending her to hospital. After a month long stay luckily she walked away with very little permanent damage. However it left her unable to ever have children, and with a permanent glow to her eyes and face.
Eventually she left Old Sharlyan to find adventure elsewhere not being content with the books and the texts and found herself joining with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.

Rakshi Lightbringer - Partner in Crime

Runaway Prince of Crime

Qui'a Tayuun

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Male | Bukyo, Capital of Hingashi | Mid 20s
Chaotic Neutral
"I always get what I want, one way or another."
A life of luxury, gil, women, and blood- the silver haired Miqo'te is no stranger to such a lifestyle.A runaway from home, he was the eldest in his family. Though his life was filled with nothing but blessings, his heart yearned for a fate other than to take over the position of patriarch in his family.He now roams the lands of Eorzea, seeking a life far away from the influences of his family's name, though only time will tell if he'll ever return to the fate he's been assigned to.

Spirit of Shiva

Nomis Umbral

Spirit Ethereal | Male | Coerthas | 800-Years-Old
Apostle | Church of Shiva
Lawful Good
Nomis Umbral is a mysterious figure known throughout the snowy lands of Coerthas as an ice spirit who wanders the treacherous landscape, seeking out those who are lost in snowstorms. Many say he is a fragment of the great deity Shiva, sent down to assist travelers in their time of need. Nomis has been wandering Coerthas for over 800 years, his age evident in his ancient eyes that seem to hold all the wisdom and sorrow of centuries past.
During the Starlight Celebration, a time of joy and giving in Eorzea, Nomis Umbral is said to roam even more freely, bestowing gifts upon those who show kindness and compassion towards others. His icy touch can bring warmth to even the most frigid heart, sparking joy and hope in those he encounters. Despite his otherworldly nature, Nomis takes pleasure in mingling with mortals during this festive time, bringing laughter and cheer wherever he goes.And so he continues on his eternal journey through Coerthas, always ready to lend a helping hand to those who have lost their way in the blinding snowstorms that sweep across the land. In doing so, Nomis Umbral spreads light and love amidst darkness and coldness—a beacon of hope for all who may cross his path.

Relic of the Past

Aurora Einveldt

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Female | Limsa Lominsa | 20-Years-Old
Lawful Neutral
Ever since her youth, Aurora had an obsession with becoming a swordswoman. From sunrise till sunset, she would spend most her time practicing with wooden swords near the forest that is located down her house. Her parents looked down on her as they wanted her to become a brilliant scholar, but Aurora clearly had other plans.
After many years of disagreements and being looked down upon, Aurora decides to leave and wander into Eorzea as a lone swordswoman. In her time wandering, she found a local pub down in Ul'dah that would often have some sort of bounty for slaying monsters for tons of gil. Being broke and having no way of a career, she would often take these bounties and clear out all sorts of foes in exchange for gil.During her time of wandering, she's met various people who would introduce her to things outside of just being a swordswoman. Things like enjoying the nightlife, having a meal with friends, hanging out and even attending to their Eternal Bonds. To her surprise, all the people she was talking to actually belonged to the same guild. Feeling somewhat alone, she asked if she could join their guild too. All her friends looked at her and happily said that she was welcome to join them.However, somewhere down the line, they all started to have disagreements, and started to leave one by one, until Aurora was the only one left, once again. Upon knowing this, she broke down in tears, cried till she couldn't muster up anymore tears. She wanders throughout the deepest parts of the forest and it was there she laid down and closed her eyes, hoping everything would return back to normal while falling into a deep slumber.

Coconut Cat

Nata'de Coco

Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun | Female | The Shroud | Early 30s
Merchant, Party Organizer, Limsa Dweller, Coconut Dealer | Herself
True Neutral
Born and raised in the Black Shroud, Nat started out as a humble stall assistant in the markets of Gridania, peddling wares and quickly making herself known to be a very resourceful vendor.
When she finally became of age, she immediately set out to try her hand at being an adventurer. Unfortunately, after a few rough encounters, she decided that adventuring wasn't something that she liked and returned to Gridania to purchase a stall.Unfortunately due to certain mishaps, she lost the deed to the Leafs Turn. Still struggling to relocate, she manages to rent a house from Ul'dah while she does her best to find the next place to call home.When she isn't at her temporary residence, she can be found roaming around the three major cities making trade and deals. In the night, you would often hear her organizing parties to get people together.

Blue Moon Goddess

Remy Rene

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Female | Moon
Adventurer | The Four Lords
Neutral Good
In the ethereal realm of Kugane, where ancient legends intertwine with flickering firelight, emerged a celestial guardian—Remy Rene, the Kitsune Goddess of the Blue Moon. Her origin lies in the whispered yearnings of the aged, uttered to the silver orb that hung in the velvety sky.
As the celestial tapestry shimmered with an iridescent hue, Remy Rene descended from the heavens, her mesmerizing form taking the shape of an alluring fox-spirit. Her fur glistened like a thousand sapphires, casting an ethereal glow upon the surroundings cloaked in a celestial scent of blue roses. Her piercing azure blue eyes held the wisdom of centuries, while her tails swayed with a hypnotic grace. In her grip, she wielded a shimmering katana, its blade pulsating with divine energy.The people of Kugane rejoiced at her arrival. For generations, they have been plagued by malevolent spirits that roamed the night, extinguishing hope and leaving behind only darkness. But with Remy Rene as their guardian, they finally saw hope. As Kugane enveloped itself in darkness, Remy's senses sharpened. She prowled through the labyrinthine streets, her ears twitching to the faintest sounds. Her supernatural hearing could detect the slithering of demons, their presence a sinister cacophony in the tranquil night.Night after night, Remy Rene roamed the land, her sleek form dancing through shadows, her keen senses detecting the faintest traces of demonic presence. With lightning speed, Remy engaged the demonic horde. Her katana danced through the air, each strike imbued with the power of the moon. Ice shards shattered against the blade, obscuring the air with a shimmering mist. The demons shrieked in agony as their ethereal forms dissolved into nothingness.As the tide of battle raged, Remy Rene's power surged through her, her cries reverberating with the primal energy of the Blue Moon. Her tails became ethereal blades, decimating the forces of darkness with each graceful stroke.In that decisive moment, Remy invoked the power of her Kitsune nature. Her form blurred, her voice echoing with an ethereal melody. Nine tails emerged from behind her, each one a spectral blade of blinding brilliance. With a deafening roar, she charged into battle, her tails forming a whirlwind of divine fury.The demon's darkness crumbled under the onslaught of her energy. Its screams filled the night before it vanished in a cloud of ethereal dust. With the last demon vanquished, a wave of serenity washed over the city.And so, Remy Rene, the Kitsune Goddess of the Blue Moon, continued to watch over the land she had sworn to protect, her celestial gaze a beacon of hope. From time to time, she would disguise herself as an adventuring Miqo’te to travel and discover more about world.

The Swartz and the Wise

Alyssa Nightblade

Au Ra: Xaela | Female | The Azim Steppe, Dazkar Tribe | 27-Years-Old
Mercenary, Hostess
Chaotic Neutral
Raised from birth to become one of the tribe's hunters—Alyssa, however had frail arms that prevented her from using a bow.
Marked as a disgrace, she was given the same work the rest of the males in the tribe did until one day, some Hingan traders arrived in the steppe carrying guns manufactured by Garlond Ironworks.After saving up a small fortune, she purchases a gun and tries to join in on a hunt. This backfires when she fails to realize the extent of her aether pool, setting off an extremely loud bang when the gun is fired. This subsequently leads to a stampede by the local mammoth population that ends up killing several of the hunters.Exiled as a result of her actions, Alyssa is sent into the wider world of Eorzea all by herself. Now, alone with nothing but the gun she acquired from the traders by her side, she seeks to carve out a new life for herself and hopefully be able to repent for the tragedy she caused.

Partner in Teatime

Luca Atkascha

Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun | Female | Ishgard | 24-Years-Old
Inn caretaker, Student of Baldesion | Students of Baldesion, Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Chaotic Good
Luca was born in Ul'dah, and lost her parents to one of the Empire's attacks. She was later adopted by Sharlayan scholars and joined the Students of Baldesion, where she focused her studies on aether and the Echo. At some point, she was sent to Ishgard to inspect activities of aether and the Echo there, as well as the whereabouts of Azys Lla.
Luca mostly does her research during the day, searching for unbalanced aether currents and traces of the Echo. At night, she works as a hostess at Arcana Inn and owns an inn herself named Amatsu Inn, taking care of it and making sure the inn is always clean.

The Fragmented

Alessa Rose Tenebris

Unknown (Mixed Race) | Female | Sui-no-Sato | 25-Years-Old
Shinobi | The Afterglowed
Chaotic Good
"Who am I?"
"I guess I am what some people call a cipher - a blank slate upon which life chooses to etch its whims. We're all looking for a witness to our life; scratching and clawing for some sort of evidence that we exist, a sign to assure us that we make a difference - that we could be permanent.""But everyone I have ever loved has left me. I've put on so many faces that I no longer know which one is mine. Whispers through the night are my only companions; little voices telling me stories, speaking of possibilities, promises and lies.""Things I can't remember. Things I can't forget.""Who do I belong to, if not myself?""I wish the nightmares would let me sleep."- an entry from Alessa's diary

Toxic Drunkard

Kevin Satron

Hyur | Female | Eureka(?) | 24-Years-Old
Traveler | Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Chaotic Neutral
Kevin Satron, a 24-year-old Hyur from the enigmatic lands of Eureka, is a seasoned traveler and a dedicated member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. His journey began in mystery; Kevin awoke one day with no memory of his past, only to find himself inexplicably connected to the Scions, an elite group dedicated to safeguarding Eorzea from dark forces.
Despite his amnesia, Kevin quickly proved his worth. His innate combat skills and unyielding spirit made him a valuable asset. Kevin's personality is complex. He is known for his fondness for drink, often found in the taverns of various cities, indulging in ale and recounting tales of his adventures. This habit sometimes brings out a toxic side, causing occasional friction with his comrades. However, his bravery and loyalty in battle are indisputable, earning him respect even from those he occasionally alienates.Kevin’s travels have taken him through dangerous territories and against formidable adversaries. Each encounter offers a glimpse into his obscured past, hinting at a life filled with both joy and sorrow. As he pieces together these memories, Kevin is driven by the hope of fully understanding his lost identity. His journey is one of self-discovery, intertwined with a relentless quest for peace in Eorzea, a land he feels deeply connected to despite his memory loss.Within the Scions, Kevin found a new family, one that supports him despite his flaws. His companions appreciate his directness and his readiness to face danger head-on for the greater good. Kevin is also known for his willingness to listen to others' problems, often acting as a confidant for those in need. As he navigates a world rich with magic and peril, Kevin’s ultimate goal remains clear: to uncover the truth about his past and to help forge a future where Eorzea can flourish in peace and harmony.

The Hundredbounty

Bayan of the Qestir

Au Ra: Xaela | Male | Reunion, The Azim Steppe | 38-Years-Old
Bounty Hunter
Chaotic Good
Five summers. A brief period of time for some, but for Bayan, it has felt like an eternity. After losing his wife Chotan and unborn child to a tribeless Xaelan fugitive named Baidu, the once cheerful and content shepherd took up the blade to pursue his quest of vengeance and bring his wife's killer to justice, under Qestir law.
Confronting his wife's killer in Isari, Bayan rushed at Baidu, blinded with rage. It took only a few seconds for the criminal to disarm Bayan and cut off his tongue, mocking his Qestiri roots. The criminal Baidu fled to Eorzea, and Bayan swore to capture him alive and become stronger.After coming to Eorzea, he started working as a bounty hunter, eventually earning the nickname "Bayan the Hundredbounty" for completing a hundred bounties within only one moon. In order to get stronger, Bayan has challenged numerous adventurers to duels so that he may defeat Baidu himself one day.The lone bounty hunter does not prefer to team up with other adventurers unless necessary; he believes that his blade, Chotan, is all the company he needs in his pursuit for vengeance.Now, after five summers, Baidu shall pay.

Steel Pilgrim

Jerome Weiss

Viera: Veena | Male | Bozja | 24-Years-Old
Bounty Hunter | Bozjan Resistance
Chaotic Good
"Dangerous? For who exactly?"
An orphan from Martrvje, Bozja. Jerome spent his childhood in thievery, stealing everything to survive and honing his street smarts. It was this quick wittedness that caught the attention of Rostik Liubasch, who took the urchin under his wing. Teaching him the ways of a gunbreaker and its history.In his teen years, he had left the imperial occupied city to explore the wider world as an adventurer. It was this decision that spared him from the Bozja Incident, which saw his homeland razed. The destruction of Bozja was the start of a deep-seated hatred of Garlemald. The young Viera vowed to spend his life hunting the Empire, and that nothing was going to stop him.An unidentified power surge, later discovered to have originated from Zeromus had transported Jerome to the Source. Learning that the same Empire from his world had also been transported over, his vengeful journey continues...As a means of revenue, he serves as a bounty hunter, paying no mind to the target's identity or alignment, so long as the coin is good. This earns Jerome the ire of the policing forces in Eorzea's citystates...

Skeit Furis - Rival/Nemesis
Rostik Liubasch - Mentor/Adoptive Father

Demon Queen

Chizuru Tala

Miqo'te | Female | Gridania
Corrupted Paladin | The Ancients
Lawful Evil
Chizuru was once a follower of the Convocation. She took up her sword and fought against the unknown when the Final Days came.
She fought countless battles; the enemy's blood soaked her once-beautiful hair and skin. Undeterred, she continued fighting on. When the sundering happened, she entered a long-term hibernation within her void, safe from the destruction.Generations after the sundering, she reawakened, and was greeted by many new faces. However, due to her bloodstained sword and appearance, she was mistaken for being part of a cult, and was captured.Imprisoned by the Scions, and betrayed by humanity, she lifted her sword; now darkened by the unwashed bloodstains, her hair, now also a complete dark red as a result. She vowed to destroy the humanity she once loved.

Marikit Tala - Wife

The Mother Enchantress

Marikit Tala

Mixed (Half Au Ra: Raen, Half Sylph) | Female | The Lavender Beds | Immortal
Enchantress, Counsellor | Sylphs
Chaotic Neutral
Living her life as half Au Ra and half sylph, Marikit doesn't really belong anywhere, bearing only half the powers of a Sylph and half the strength of an Au Ra. Marikit never learned the full extent of her powers, but she has always lived her life knowing and believing only one thing—that she needed to make people happy.
With her skills in cooking and entertainment, she opened Diwata Cafe; a place where people can feel love and safety away from the cares of the world. The cafe in itself is a rip in the time-space continuum, distorting its reality and concept of time. Some people have said that they felt younger after visiting the quaint little establishment. Some people said their wounds were healed after speaking to the Enchantress. Though, there is one thing that is certain—that Marikit is all-knowing.The Mother Enchantress knows everything.

Chizuru Tala - Husband

Dragon Piercer

W'khana Tarhuh

Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun | Female | Frostford Village, Coerthas Western Highlands | 23-Years-Old
Indiscriminate Dragon Slayer | The Primordials
Chaotic Neutral
W'khana was the daughter to the village chief of Frostford Village—a Seeker Miqo'te village that was found in a remote area of Coerthas Western Highlands. They specialized in the art of hunting.
One day, as W'khana was in the midst of a hunt, shadows briefly darkened the sky above her, akin to airships passing by.W'khana returned a few hours later to find her home in ruins; her father and friends among the fallen. Amidst the destruction, she spied an ominous, dark spear lodged into the ground. In her confusion, she impulsively grabbed onto it, and was surged with power and negativity. A lesser wyvern then ambushed her and she was forced to retaliate using the shady weapon.Overwhelmed with grief, rage and the spear’s influence, W'khana vowed vengeance against the true culprit that had torn her world apart. Rumors would later spread throughout the land about a “Dragon Piercer”.

Koyuki Himekawa - Rival


Vares Freyr

Viera: Veena, Au Ra: Xaela | Male | Ul'dah | 53-Years-Old
Ex-Sharlayan Professor, Alchemist | Chronos
Lawful Neutral
Hailing from a rather influential family in Sharlayan, Vares had his life set in stone since he was born. Alchemy and aether study was all he could recall from his childhood. The intensive study, however, was proven to be too much for him, and he began to fail in his teenage years, something that would bring conflict with his family in the following years. He yearned to break free from his job but found himself unable to do so as being in academia was something he only knew. He reluctantly climbed his career as a aetherology professor under the Studium.
At 50, Vares decided he had enough of his life and stormed off from Sharlayan. He then managed to land an illegal job as a body disposer in an assassination agency called Chronos, where he met his current lover, Rigel, who worked as an assassin.As he put his knowledge in aether manipulation and alchemy to work, he soon found himself able to replicate the rumored potion "Fantasia", which properties can permanently change one's aether composition, and essentially, body. Whenever he tests this potion, he would often assume the form of a young Xaela woman. His research, however, was still far from perfect, and it will be a long, arduous journey for Vares.

Rigel Arc - Lover

Diligent Butler

D'mohn Tia

Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun | Male | Ul'dah | 25-Years-Old
Butler | Tailcoats Butler Cafe
Lawful Good
Not many would know that a refined and diligent manservant like D'mohn Tia used to grow up on Ul'dah's tough streets. After losing his mother to disease at an early age, D'mohn became a pickpocket and would normally steal whatever he could to survive each day.
It was until one fateful day that he stole a necklace from Godbert Manderville; but instead of being punished for his crime, he was sent to an orphanage run by the legendary goldsmith where he was fed, clothed, and schooled. As he grew older, he attended the Manderville Academy of Butlering where he graduated with high honors and later picked up conjury. The once scruffy street urchin had matured into a refined and handsome butler.Godbert eventually assigned him to be Phron'to Audariah's manservant, whom he detested at first. However, after having numerous misadventures with the purple-haired Miqo'te, his partner Akari commented that working for him made him look stressed.These days, he seems to be followed by a black-coated gaelicat wherever he goes. Did he manage to tame it himself? He always warns people not to go near it.

Phron'to Audariah - Employer
Akari Ibara - Partner

Sweets Connoisseur

Sunniva Moon

Au Ra: Raen | Female | Gridania | 23-Years-Old
Healer, Maid, Flight Attendant | The Starr Conglomerate, Conjurer's Guild
Chaotic Good
Growing up, Sunniva always made dinner every night with her mother. She was taught that in order for food to taste good, love should be put into it. As she grew older, she kept to that tradition, always putting love into anything she made.
Even as a child, Sunniva loved helping people, always going out of her way to help anyone she saw, and befriending anything and anyone that let her. Her bubbly personality led her to befriend even the grumpiest of grumps, always shining a light in someone’s day. Due to her personality, she got the nickname of ‘Sunni’.The friendly Raen is always helping those in need, with not asking for much in return except for something sweet or a hug.

Rogan Starr - Travel Companion & Partner

Pursuer of Tales

Kiki Ki

Lalafell | Female (Pansexual) | Gridania | 30+
Neutral Good
Kiki Ki is a Lalafell working as a librarian in Gridania. Her days are often quiet and peaceful, but a passionate fire stirs in her heart, threatening to derail her from this normalcy.
She wonders, "What if I come across a gladiator from Ul'dah? Would it be okay if I get to know them?" Carrying an interest of learning the lives of others and to be a part of those lives.A journal lies by her desk every day, and she slowly fills it with stories about the people she meets and dreams of completing it one day.

Machine Serpent

Nagini Nakahi

Miqo'te Cyborg | Genderfluid (Pansexual) | Solution Nine | 30+
Chaotic Neutral
Just a lone cyborg traveling the universe to capture photos while befriending every cute snek along the way.

Wandering Poultry

Chicken Nugget

Chicken | Male | Central Shroud | 27-Years-Old
Bank Staff, Chief of KFC | KFC (Killing Family Chickens)
Neutral Evil
Raised at a farm in Central Shroud, little Nugget was crossing the road one day and had his attention diverted by a beautiful group of Miqo'te. A heavy truck barreling down the road then collides with Nugget's petite body. The impact flings him violently onto a grass patch, causing him to fall into a coma.
After regaining consciousness at a medical facility in the Crystarium, he realized that he now possesses the body of a Hyur while retaining the memories of a fowl. Now armed with a more resilient body and mind, Nugget gained new resolve in exploring the lands of Eorzea and meeting different species of citizens.

Dispossessed Son

Gangeral Shun'en

Au Ra: Raen | Male | Ul'dah | 20s
Freelance Entertainer | Independent
Neutral Good
Son of merchants, Gangeral was set to live a comfortable life with his family’s burgeoning success, but fate had other plans; the murder of his parents during his early teenage years happened. The perpetrators would have completed the deed, were it not for the timely intervention of their family friend Papashan. Too young to be considered an adult, but too old to be fostered in an orphanage, the young Raen was left to fend for himself.
Through sporadic lessons from his saviour, Gangeral eventually became a paladin in name, but lacking the proficiency to join the Sultansworn, he applied himself to the adventurer’s trade instead. Cutting his teeth doing odd jobs, the overconfident Au Ra found himself in a mercenary company against a rudimentary Ifrit, with disastrous consequences.Humbled and with barely enough gil to survive, the young man sought employment from the only place left that would take him, Ul’dah’s nightlife. The days since have allowed him to get back on his feet, and time to think, for the future. Yearning for a way to connect with his heritage, and to find his own purpose in the world, Gangeral looks for a way to achieve both, hoping it’s not another fool’s errand.

Silver Rogue

Shade Vetinari

Hyur: Midlander | Male | Town | Age-Years-Old
Chaotic Neutral
A man with many masks and just as many lies. Shade’s past is full of blanks, his own memories are a blur, so shrouded that the Hyur has long given up on finding his own origins, choosing to focus on what is in the future instead.
With no history and no goals, Shade wandered where he pleased, indulging in anything that happened to catch his interest; learning to build his various businesses, joining treasure-seeking adventurers, or delving into the Void out of curiosity, and accidentally got himself possessed by a giant coward of a voidbeast. Keep that a secret, will you?These days you may find Shade in the various establishments of Eorzea, or running one of his small businesses. Outwardly he plays the friendly and amiable gentleman, but step a little closer, and you might get to see the true colors of this chameleon of a man.

Straggler of the Maze

Khouza Maze

Viera: Viis | Female | Fanows, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Late 20s
Freelancer | Affiliation
Lawful Neutral
A hunter and guardian from the Rak'tika Greatwood, she wandered too far into the Qitana Ravel after a hunt that went disastrously wrong. Split from her party, she had to survive death on multiple occasions from Ronkan Dreamers roaming about. While running away from one, she fell into a pit leading her into a mysterious chamber. A bright explosion of hot light blinded and concussed her for several minutes. The next moment, she finds herself in a foreign land. Sore and badly beaten all over, the Yok Huy found and aided her back to health.
Over the next few years she would travel the world in search of a way back home, from the peaks of Tural to the eastern lands of Hingashi, trapped in a maze called "The Source". Yes... searching for a way back to whence she came. But her travels widened, slowly and surely, that desire started to diminish. Getting accustomed to this new world might not be so bad, right? It's not perfect, but it's certainly more peaceful. The people and places here are all so lovely after all.She's not giving up, rather, she's moving on."Hi, the name's Khouza. Nice to meet you!"

Wandering Warrior of Cuisine

Kyouko Torani

Miqo'te: Keepers of the Moon | Female | Othard | Early 30s
Maid at Little Comet, Retired Mercenary
Chaotic Neutral
Raised in the unnamed rural areas in Othard, Kyouko had taken up a variety of jobs to provide for the family from a young age, with most of her occupation serving in the food industry with her growing passion for cuisine. She especially loves spicy or Far Eastern food, even more so when enjoying mealtimes with her loved ones.
In her off-hours, Kyouko may be seen strolling through the night markets and trying out new food or cry in dismay after another unfortunate night of losing gil at a local gambling den.Cheery and bubbly she may be around most, Kyouko also had a troubled past that haunts her. She would constantly be reminded of a specific event in her past of misfortune and betrayal, occasionally driving her to insanity in the middle of the night in attempts to drive off the bloodlust for revenge to those that wronged her…

Runaway Yakuza Heiress

Akira Mikazuki

Mixed (Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun, Au Ra) | Female | Hingashi | Age Unknown
Businesswoman | The Mikazuki Clan
Lawful Evil
Born to a Miqo'te mother and Au Ra father as the potential heiress to the mighty Mikazuki clan in Hingashi, Aki was raised to be a resilient fighter and leader in the face of unrest between warring yakuza clans.
When Aki's loving mother, Fuyuko, passed away due to an illness before Aki turned 16, one of her dying wishes was that Aki would follow her heart and pursue her passions instead of getting caught in a war stirred up by a bunch of angry uneasy men in high places. After all, a blood-stained battleground was not a place for a young maiden to be. Fuyuko also knew that by being of mixed blood, there would be some in the predominantly Au Ra clan that would disapprove of the girl's leadership.Aki had a decision to make: to stay and train to take over the Mikazuki clan after her father's retirement, or to venture to further lands and explore what she wants to do in life. She ran away from home at the age of 20, right before her coming-of-age ceremony, to explore the world and pursue her dreams as much as she can before the call to her inevitable duties come when her father retires from leading the clan.Today, Aki can be found operating a bunch of side ventures in quiet corners of the realm, where she maintains minimal contact with her family, waiting for the day that she might get summoned back into their ranks as their new clan leader. This is the mutual understanding that has been established between her and her strict father.

Kapre Majima - Sworn Brother

The Red Sun

Solaris Daerva

Viera: Rava (Allagan Experimented) | Female | Golmore Jungle (5,000 years ago), The Goblet (Present) | Supposedly over 5,000-Years-Old, Physically around 112-Years-Old
Managerial Staff, Managing Editor, Bartender, Entrepreneur, Accountant | Tataru Taru
Neutral Evil
During the height of the war preparations against Meracydia, the Allagan Empire had created Dalamud in order to capture it's protector, Bahamut. They had sought for other methods in order to bring the odds in their favor, by experimenting on beings to create a living Dalamud for entities that could still prove to get in their way.
The young Rava was forcibly taken from her village due to her ability to process large amounts of aether and affinity for magicks, an ideal trait for one to become a weapon of Allag. Out of the many captured, Solaris was one of the very few that survived these horrid experiments.A weapon against the dragons of Meracydia, forced to fight for her captors. However, during Allag's decline, they sought to preserve their technology and experiments, should they ever be needed again. Solaris was made to sleep among the Coils of Bahamut, waking up in present day Eorzea, 5,000 years after the Fourth Umbral Calamity.Her capacity as a living Dalamud has not at all waned, only proving to find and imprison more creatures inside of her as she grows in strength as the Red Sun.

A'rina Silverash - Adopted Little Sister
Rhenee Northwood - Adopted Young Sister
Ascella Valfiel - Adopted Baby Sister
Illumi Cloudgleam - Somehow related via an ancestor
Quattro Bagjeans - General Store Co-Owner; Partner


Akane Miyuki

Au Ra: Raen | Female | Sui-no-Sato | 18-Years-Old
Student of Baldesion | Scions of the Seventh Dawn
True Neutral
Born in Sui-no-Sato, this young Au Ra was always different. Akane always was fascinated by the tales of the surface world; its uniqueness and knowledge. Though life in the village was peaceful, Akane's curiosity drove her to seek more, and when she turned 16, she learned of Sharlayan’s famed institutions.
With blessings from her people, she journeyed to Sharlayan and eventually became a student of Baldesion.Akane's natural affinity for aether, coupled with her determination, made her a promising scholar.As a student, she delved into ancient magic, and eventually met her mentor and precious friend, Krile Baldesion. Not long after, with guidance from her mentor, she picked up pictomancy, and together they began a journey, that is to seek answers to mysteries long forgotten.

Mysterious Allagan Creation

Sayuri Luvixe

Ditto (All Races) | Female | Unknown (Somewhere Allagan), currently living in Kugane | It's a secret *shushes*
Professional Hostess and Crafter | Unknown
Chaotic Good
Sayuri’s first memory is of waking up on a table. A man standing over her with madness in his eyes. She learnt certain facts over the days, weeks, and months to come. This man called himself her creator; he wanted her to learn everything he taught her …… and that she was the replacement for his wife who was killed by a rival in the court. Sayuri learnt everything the man taught her, from dancing, to culture, to sexual deviancy. The only sign of her being created is the faint scars embedded into her flesh.
She became his greatest possession and she tolerated it as she knew nothing else. She did not learn that she could be free of him until he took her to the court for the first time. A man named Amon approached her creator and asked to examine her. He then whispered into her ear as he did that she could be free, if she did one thing. Her dull eyes brightened and she looked at this strange man. She wanted to know how she could be free. He passed her a vial and told her to sprinkle it into her creator’s drink late at night. She did so a few days later and when she awoke later than she usually would, as her creator had not woken her as usual, she went to check on him, to see what the vial did and found him still as a rock and cold to the touch. She realised he was dead and her lips did something strange. She walked to the mirror and realised she was smiling. She had never smiled before that day.She took everything that her creator had of value and left the place behind. Over the centuries that passed, she changed her body parts from time to time, whenever she did, she would assume a new race and name. The name her creator named her has been lost to time and now she clings to the pretty name she found and has used with many different surnames. She is Sayuri, she is no longer bound in his pretty little cage and she has spread her wings and flown many places and learnt so much. Her current obsession is learning to cook and working as a hostess. The only people who know of her true origins are the ones she holds closest to her heart. Her partners in life and love."We yearn for the beautiful, the unknown, and the mysterious.”

R'aeyon Luvixe - Husband
Nightingale Eryuell - Partner
Av'yana Maimhov - Adopted Daughter
Syd Kahkol - Adopted Son

The Red Steel

Astrid Azelhart

Miqo'te: Seekers of the Sun | Female | Ishgard | Age Unknown
Inventor, Weapon Builder
Chaotic Good
The red-haired Seeker of the Sun raised by the Sky Steel group leader after suffering a loss in Ishgard, Astrid is an accomplished builder. From her new family, she gained notoriety as "the girl who created everything" and was brought up to be a weapon builder in the Sky Steel clan. Her objective, however, was to discover her roots that had lead her here rather than to become a weapon maker. In her quest to learn the truth about herself, she encounters a bunny paladin who takes them into unforeseen conflicts in other places, including their partnership.

Limau Nipis - Lover



Race | Gender | Town | Age-Years-Old
Occupation | Affiliation

Name - Relation